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..E. Slatter, D. Hohnhorst, \". Reed, A. Brende, P. Miller, L. PetersonBasketball proved to be one <strong>of</strong> the rnost popular <strong>of</strong> women's sports. This year therewere eleven teams- four first teams and seven second teams. The inter-class championshipwas won by the freshman team after defeating the juniors in a hard-fought game. Themembers <strong>of</strong> the winning team were Vivian Reed and Edith Slatter, centers; ;\ nna Brendeand Phyllis Miller, forwards; Leona Petersen and Dorothy Hohnhorst, guards. VivianR eed was the captain <strong>of</strong> the team. At the end <strong>of</strong> the season an all-star team was picked.The all-star team was composed <strong>of</strong> Ruth Evans, Mae Pugh, Vivian Reed, Edith Slatter,Dorothy H ohnhorst, and Alma Almquist.Cold and unsettled weather last year did much to discourage many <strong>of</strong> the usuallylarge number <strong>of</strong> aspiring Babe R uths who turn out each spring for baseball practice andcompetition. The playing-field was so wet most <strong>of</strong> the time that home plate had to becrossed beneath the shelter <strong>of</strong> the women's gym for all but two weeks <strong>of</strong> the season. Sixtygirls, many <strong>of</strong> whom had never played baseball before, turned out, forty-seven practicingthe required number <strong>of</strong> times to earn points. T here were three first teams and two secondteams, but the seniors failed to have enough members to compose a team. Evelyn Petersonwas the general baseball manager. After several exciting games the freshman team emergedbearing the crown <strong>of</strong> victory. Members <strong>of</strong> this fighting team were: Edith Miller, GertrudeOlesen, R uth Evans, Betty Mix, Eileen Kennedy, Ruth Lacy, H ilda Froisness, DorothyPreuss, and H elen Winkler. Each girl on the winning team earned one hundred and twentyfivepoints.B. Mix, R. Evans, G. Olesen, D. Preuss, C. Kennedy•. A .*

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