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Pruidentf/ia Pruidml -SttrtiOIJOFFICI-:RS- CI.AUDF. MARCUSEDWIN PAULSON}AMf;S KAI.BUS••Claude MarcusF.dwin PaulsonJames KalbusBETA TIIF.TA PIMark Felt Robert ~ewhousePHI GAM~IA DELTAConrad Frazier F.dwin PaulsonPHI DELTA THETAHorton Herman Raymond Thornhill•ALPHA TAU OM F.GAJedd JonesWilliam HuntDF.I.TA CHIWilbur Hogue Lester BrownKAPPA SIGMAFred Sangerl"red QuistCHI AJ.PilA PTWilson Bow H:arold AldridgeTAU KAPPA EPSILO!\'Claude .\!arcus Robert Bennett•LAMBDA CHI ALPHAWilliam Gnaedinger Edgar WoodSIGMA AI.PIIA EPSILONGeorge Giles Cecil GreathouseSIGl\IA CHIJames Kalbus William SimonCarl l~itheSIG~IAUWilliam TusonDELTA TAU DF.J.TAAllen SevernPaul RustH. Aldridge, R. Bennett, W. BowL. Brown, M. Felt, C. Frazier, C. GilesW. Cna

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