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CjcuJLIIttl (/Jh.z /J.etaFoundd 1871 S_vramu Unicn-sil_vXi Chapltr- ,\ o:tmbtr u, 1909Colors Buff a11d BrotenFltXJ:n- Pi11lc Camalion••1\lEMBERSSENIORS.. •1\lar)' Louise Bush, Jane Dunn,Frances DuSault, Harriette Dwight,Frances Hanle)', J eanne Harrington,Patricia Kennard, Jean King~bur)',Lois Reynolds, Dorothy Scott, ElilabethThompson .J UNIORSMiriam Babcock, Mary D. Beamer,Judith Crites, Marjorie Druding, DorothyGoode, Kathryn Kennard, llclenLawrence, Helen eely, Martha J ea nRehberg, Mary Katharine Riley,Fredericka Smith, 1 ancy Trever,Bertha l\-lae Wilburn .SOPHO:'\IORES:'\largaret Brodrecht, Lois Davie,,i\lildred Elliott, Ruth Farle)', MarianGraham, Bett)' Hatfield, Betty Horton,Eileen Kenned)', llett)' :llix,Pamela Persons, Phyllis Peterson,\' atura \'an Engelen .•M. Babcock, M. Beamer, M. Brodrecht, M. Bush, J. Cril.(!l!, L. DaviesM. Druding, J . Dunn, F. DuSault, H. Dwight, R. Farley, D. GoodeM. Graham, F. Hanley, J. Harrington, B. Horton, E. Hoyt, K. KennardP. Kennard, E. Kennedy, 0. Kerr, K. Kimball, J. Kingsbury, 11. Lawrcn~cB. Mix, M. Murphy, H. Neely, P. Persons, P. Pctcnoon, t\1. RchbrgL. Reynolds, M. Riley, K. Schuettenhelm. D. Scott. F. Smith, B. ThompsonE. Thompson, M. Thompson, N. Trever, V. Van Engelcn, J. Wickel!, B. WilburnF RESHM ENEleanor Hoyt, Oorothy Kerr, Ka therineKimball, Margaret Murphy, K:otherineSchuettenhelm, Donna M:oySouth, Barbara Thompson, M:oryThompson, J o Betty Wickes.

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