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GF.oRCiE KENNETH MoORE, B.S.(Pre-1\t ed.)Kdlo,~g lli,~h St110olBew Theta Pi; Pre-Med Club; Football Mana!(er, t.CARL C1.11'rORO MoRrrrT B.S.(llus.)Jerome II iJ(II SchoolSigma Nu; Blue Key; Class President, z; JuniorWeek Chairman.RAt.t>H ALEXANDF.R MoRGAN, ll.S. ( IIu~. )Kello,~g 1/i_~l· Srl10olUnicersily <strong>of</strong> lf/asllingtonSigma Alpha Epsilon; Managers' Club; HellDivers, z-3; Rille Club, Treasurer z; 1\tinN "1 'Club; Manager, t-'l·J; Rille T eam, t·'l·J, :\tanagerJ; Golf, z; Swimming, 'l-J.RooF.RT DEU10R£ MosER, B.S.(Ed.)R 11 pert IIi,~ h S ti100ISigma Alpha Epsilon; Sc abb:~rd and Blade; " I"Club; Rille Club; Rifle T eam; Football, 2-3;junior Part)' Chairman.MAREL R ut 1\l uLt.tKIN, R.S.(H.Ec.)Troy I ligh Srhool!:-lays Hall; Phi Upsilon Omicron; I lome Ec Club;Kappa !)hi.BERT PA SCOE M oNTH£, B.S.(For.)Two //arbors lligh School, Two 1/arborJ,1\1i1111tsOtt1Uni~ersity <strong>of</strong> Minnesota&tltth Junior Collegel.indiC) Hall; Associated Fore~te ...DONALD (\1 P.RI.E 1\IURPHY, il.S.(Agr.)Twin Falls II igh SchoolTau Mem Aleph; Ag Club.CHARI.F.S CARMACK NEELE\'• B.A.Wtiur 1/igh SrhoolKappa Sigma.HELEN Rt'TH NF.ELY, B.A.Lon.~ Btnr/1 Pol)•te;hnical II ig/1 Srl•ool, LongBuuh, California<strong>University</strong> qf California at Los AngeloGamma Phi Beta; DeSmet Club; Ar,(onaut, z;Gun <strong>of</strong> tlu !llounrains, 2.THOMAS STANJ.EY NELSON, B.S.( Bus.)Firt/1 lligl1 SchoolLindley 11 :~1 1.HELYN l\IA~F.P.N NEWMAN, R.S.(H.F.c.)Twin Falls 1/i,~h SchoolAlpha Phi; I lome Economics Club, t 1 -3-~; EpiscopalClub; W. A. A.; English Club.KATHR\' N 1\IARGARETI'E NICHOLSON, B.S.(H.£c.)Boiu II ig/1 SchoolKappa Kappa Gamma; Home Ec Club; TrebleClef Club, 1-1; Episcopal Club, 1.ETHLYN \ 'tROI,lA O'l'>EAL, B.A.Ruptrt !ligh SrhoolHays Hall; Highest Honors, t; High Honors, 1-3;Spurs, Junior Sponsor; Alpha Lambda Ddta;Cardinal Key; Delta Sigma Rho; Kappa Phi,President z; T reble Clef Club, President :J; EnglishClub, Treasurer 3; Rille Club, Secretary­Treasurer 1; Executive Board, J; Gun <strong>of</strong> thei\1ountaim, z; Argonaut, 1; Big Si~ter, z-3;Dramatics, t ·'l·J; House Presidents' Council, 3-4;\'arsity Debate, 'l-J; \\'. :\. A. Executive Board.AsoRBS At.MOJUELA 0REIRO, B.S.( Ed.)La Union San Fernando, La Union, PllilippineIslandsCosmopolitan Club; Filipino Club; InternationalRelations Club.1\IARY F..tLP.EN O'DEA, B.S.(Ed.)1/ol)• Namts Atademy, SpoltnntDeltn Gamma; English Club; Argonaut, 1; Gem <strong>of</strong>the Moulllains, 1; Blue Bucket, 1-2.RuPll RANSOM OsBORN, B.S.(Agr.)1/ailry 1/igh SchoolRidenbaugh Hall.}OHS L EO>/ PARKER, B.S.(Agr.)!11adison lligh School, Rtxburl.Riclts Colltge, Rt.

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