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Fottndtd 1931-Uni~trsity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Idaho</strong>Colors Crimson, JYhilt and PttrpltFlotr:tr-S.vrinxo~IF.~IBERSFACL'LTYOr. R. D. Rus~ll.Or. A. C. Lemon.Or. C. D. \\'dis,SENIORSKeith Armstrong, Robert Burdick,H arold &!wards, Maurice Erickson,Stanley Hall, j immie J ay, WayneSmith, Robert Walker, Charles Wamstad.JUNIO RSWilson Bow, Dean Davis, John King,Richard Lint, Elw) n ~ t ercer, Don oldRidings, Dean Sachs.SOPHO~IORESHerman Daughs, F.lmer Johnston,Jonathan Lang, Lionel l\liller, DanTownsend, Stanle)· Trenhaile.FR F.SHMEJ ohn Bo hlen, Fred C:unpbell, AugustusCheney, John Clemens, RobertFrey, Frederick Hampf, j oseph Moltane,Arthur Pecka, ~ l ax Whitney.K. Armstron~t, J. Bohlen, W BowR. Burdick, F. Campbell, A. Cheney. J. ClemensH. Daughs, D. Davis, H. ~;dwards, M. Erickson, R. FreyS. Hall, F. Hampf, J. Jay, E. Johnston, J. KingJ. Lang, R. Lint, E. Mercer, L. Miller, J. Moltane, A. PeckaD. Ridings, D. Sachs, W. Smith, D. Townsend, S. T renhaile, R. Walker, C. Wamstad

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