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.• . ~.. ... .·T S ,rAI I. i i- -~,~ ~' , " t '- ~ · ' ' '' '·1 'l'' ,.,1 ~·· '' , I f ' ' ' ' 1•·; .~·t' ''. I .. I .' .A. ~!organ, G. Dahlke, R. Spence, R. Herman, F. Kroll,\\'. \\'ood, l\1. ~ l ars hall, J. M o rri ~The varsity swimming team, with a scarcity<strong>of</strong> experienced men, managed afterseveral weeks <strong>of</strong> practice to present a fairlygood team in three different meets. T hesquad, under the direction <strong>of</strong> H arry J acoby,took to the water in two meets with W.S.C.and sent four <strong>of</strong> its mem bers to the northwestmeet held at Seattle.In the first aquatic tangle with W. S. C.,<strong>Idaho</strong> was hopeless! y outclassed from thestart; but in spite <strong>of</strong> the overwhelmingodds, the plucky plungers came throughwi th one first place, two seconds, and fou rt hirds. I n the other inter-school meets theVandals were again defeated by nearly t hesame margin. <strong>Idaho</strong> netted three fou rthplaces in the triangular meet in Seattle,which is a fair showi ng considering t hatsuch national champions as J ack l edicacom peted in t he meet.Members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Idaho</strong> squad were AlexMorgan, Gus D ahlke, Bob Spence, BobH erman, Egon Kroll , Bi ll Wood, M arvinM arshall, and John Morris .Fencing, one <strong>of</strong> t he newest minor sports,has enjoyed un precedented popularity thisyear, having attracted more than doublethe number <strong>of</strong> active participants <strong>of</strong> fo rmeryears. Under the direction <strong>of</strong> InstructorFred C. Blanchard, coach, t he team madefavorable showings in several meets duringthe year, whi ch included two wit h W. S. C.,a triangular meet in which W. S. C. andSpokane Fencing Club were represented,and an open meet held at Seattle in whichReed Coll ege, t he U ni versity <strong>of</strong> Was hington,and W . S. C. also entered. This wasthe first open foils contest in the nort hwest.The men who saw varsity competition wereBob H arris, Ray Weston, Frank Bevington,H ugo Kraemer, and Morey Miller.<strong>Idaho</strong> was one <strong>of</strong> t he first <strong>of</strong> the Northwestconference schools to introduce fencing,and the local chapter <strong>of</strong> Foil and i\l asklast spring became a charter member <strong>of</strong> theIntercollegiate Foi l and Mask Club. RobertHarris is president <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Idaho</strong> chapter<strong>of</strong> this organization.•R. \\".Harris, R. \\'eston, H. Kraemer, F. Bevington

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