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The nine gentlemen in white 3re \\'. S. C. Cougars.Ther appeu to have one objective--to stop WillisSmith on thi1 end run before he goes any farther. Therdo-after nearlr thirt)' prd•.H ARRY J ACOBYH alfbackH AROLD KLUMIJTackle"A beard in time saves nine."" J oin the NRA- 'No R azors Allowed'."" Restore the old <strong>Idaho</strong> Spirit."" Repeat 1903."" B EAT W.S.C. !"These were the slogans that dominated thecampus at <strong>Idaho</strong> as the whole student bodylaunched into a campaign three weeks beforethe Homecoming game with W.S.C. to rev1vethe spirit <strong>of</strong> three decades ago- when <strong>Idaho</strong>beat the Cougars, 32 too.It was a bewhiskered assortment <strong>of</strong> Vandalsand a quaint and colorful group <strong>of</strong> Vandalettesthat greeted the alums on Armistice Day. Forthree weeks the hirsute adornments on the chins<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Idaho</strong> males had been sprouting- somelight, some dark, some bushy, and some hardlyat all; but the old "1903 spirit" was there toa man. And the co-eds? From the moment thecampaign was started in an ASUI assembly,they donned hair-ribbons thei r mothers worethirty years before and joined the men in revivingthe spirit <strong>of</strong> 1903. During the final week, asthe " Repeat 1903" spirit spread to the wholetown , rallies, parades, and costume mixers addedto the atmosphere which arrived at a climax inthe traditional frosh bonfire rally.EARL SMITHQuarterback··*·I' JlJ ;< cAhf Canyaif"G.{ 220}8

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