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Ross CoLE HARRIS, B.S.(Bus.)Madison High Sd10ol, RexburgRicks Collegt, RexburgAlpha Tau Omega.MARY EDNA HARTLEY, B.S.( Bus.)Fruitland High Sd10olKappa Alpha Theta; Gem <strong>of</strong> the Mountains, z;Vandaleers, 1· 2· J; Treble Clef Club, 1-2; <strong>University</strong>Mixed Quartet, 2; \V. A. A., z; A. W. S.Cabinet, 3·FORREST ROBERT HAUCK, B.S.Montpeliet· High School<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> 1 dallo, Southern BranchLindley Hall; Kappa Delta Pi.F.ARI. THOMAS HAYES, B.S.(Met.)Wallace High SchoolRidenbaugh Hall; Sigma Gamma Epsilo n; AssociatedMiners.}OHN FRED HAYS, B.S.(For.)Nampa High School<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> ldai10, Soutl1tr11 BranchDelta Tau Delta; Associated l'oresters.RonF.RT AI.EXANDER HERMAN, B.S.(Bus.)North Cmtral High School, SpokaneKappa Sigma; Minor " I" Club; Hell Divers;Swimming, 1.-3.RoBERT CoNDIT HERRICK, R.S.( Bus.)Wallace Hig/1 SchoolSigma Chi; Blue Key; Curtain, President J; AlphaKappa Psi; English Club; Press Club; Gem <strong>of</strong> ll~tMoun/aim, '• Organization Editor 2, AssociateEditor 3; Dramatics, 1· 2·J; <strong>University</strong> Orchestra,t -'2; Argonaut, r.EI.AINE CONSTANCE HF.RSEV, B.S.(Ed.)Puk High SchoolKappa Alpha Theta; English Club; WestminsterGuild; May Fete Page, 2; Argonaut, 2.CHARLES ERNEST Hu.L, B.S.uwis and Clark High School, Spoka11ePhi Delta Theta; Senior Ball Chairman.FRANK RICHARI) RILl., B.S.(Ed.)Seaford Hig/1 School, Seaford, DelawareLambda Chi Alpha; Argonaut, 1-2.HARRIET HITCHCOCK, B.A.Boise High SchoolCollege <strong>of</strong> ldal1oKappa Kappa Gamma.ILA BELL HoosON, B.S.(Bus.)Moscow II igh ScJ,oolMAxl>rE M'' "A HorMANN, fi.S. (H.F.c.)Mosrow High Scllooly A I.E R. HOLLAND, B.S.( Ed.)SJ~elley 1/igll School<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Idaho</strong>, Soulltern BranchL. D. S. T nstitute; Ag Club.KERMIT HovE, R.S.(Ed.)Moscow High Sd10olAlpha Tau Omega; Scabbard and Blade.F.sTHER EDSALL H u NT, 13.S.(Bus.)Buld High SchoolDelta Delta Delta; Spurs, Secretary 2; Phi ChiT heta; Cardinal Key; U niversity Orchestra, 1;Argonaut, 1-2; Gem <strong>of</strong> tile Mountains, I, MusicEditor 2-3; W. A. A., I-2-J, Executive Board, J;Class Secretary, 2.WILLIAM BOLAND Huwr, B.S.(Ed.)Ashto11 High SchoolAlpha Tau Omega; Managers' Club, 1-2-3; InterfraternityCouncil; Baseball Manager, 1-2; FootballManager, 3; Class Secretary, 3·HowARD ALLEN HuRST, B.S.uwis and Clark High School, SpokanePhi Gamma Delta; Argonaut, t; Football Manager,I .Gi 68}-o

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