Local Rule - State of Indiana

Local Rule - State of Indiana

Local Rule - State of Indiana


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LR64-TR35-3600 DISCOVERY3600.10 Time Limit. Counsel are expected to begin discovery promptly. In allcases, discovery shall be completed prior to the pre-trial conference unless otherwise ordered bythe Court. For good cause shown, the physical or mental examination <strong>of</strong> a party, as provided forin T.R. 35 may be ordered at any time prior to the trial.3600.20 Extensions <strong>of</strong> Time. For good cause shown and prior to the expiration <strong>of</strong>the time within which discovery is required to be completed, time may be extended for completion<strong>of</strong> discovery. Motions and stipulations for additional time for completion <strong>of</strong> discovery must setforth reasons justifying the additional time. Stipulations extending the discovery period must beapproved by the Court.3600.30 Interrogatories.(1) Preparation. Interrogatories shall be tailored specifically to each cause in which theyare filed, and shall be consecutively numbered to facilitate response. All interrogatories toparties propounded pursuant to T.R. 33 shall be prepared as follows:(a)An original and two duplicates <strong>of</strong> all interrogatories to parties shall be prepared andserved on the party required to answer. Counsel for the propounder shall date and sign theinterrogatories as <strong>of</strong> the date <strong>of</strong> service.(b)After each interrogatory and every subpart requiring a separate answer, sufficient blankspace shall be left by the propounder as is reasonably anticipated may be required for theresponder's typewritten answer. If additional space is required for an answer, the responder shallattach supplemental pages, incorporated by reference, to comply with the spirit <strong>of</strong> T.R. 33.(c)Additional space shall be left by the propounder at the close <strong>of</strong> the interrogatories so thata typewritten signature line and appropriate typed oath or affirmation may be inserted by theresponder.(2) Number Limited. Interrogatories shall be kept to a reasonable limit not to exceed atotal <strong>of</strong> twenty-five (25) including subparts and shall be used solely for the purpose <strong>of</strong> discoveryand shall not be used as a substitute for the taking <strong>of</strong> a deposition. For good cause shown andupon leave <strong>of</strong> Court additional interrogatories may be propounded.(3) Answers and Objections. Answers or objections to interrogatories under T.R. 31 orT.R. 33 shall set forth in full the interrogatories being answered or objected to immediatelypreceding the answer or objections. The responding party shall type the requestedanswers in the space provided, as required by this <strong>Rule</strong>, shall supply the oath oraffirmation, and shall serve the original and one copy upon propounding counsel.(4) Duplicated Forms. No duplicated forms containing interrogatories shall be filed orserved upon a party unless all interrogatories on such forms are consecutively numberedand applicable to the cause in which the same are filed and served.(5) Filing. No interrogatories shall be filed with the Court except as provided in T.R. 5E(2).36

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