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178PUBLIC BANK BERHAD Annual Report 2012Resilient AlwaysChairman’s Review – Business Operations ReviewWealth ManagementPB “<strong>Bank</strong>2Win” CampaignPB “<strong>Bank</strong>2Win” Campaign was launched to rewardcustomers for their loyalty and patronage and was openedto all new and existing customers of <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> and <strong>Public</strong>Islamic <strong>Bank</strong>. During the campaign period from 1 June 2012to 30 November 2012, customers who took up a minimumof any two products out of three product groupings which<strong>com</strong>prised Group A (Financing), Group B (Deposit) andGroup C (Wealth Management) stood a chance to win 321monthly and grand draw cash prizes amounting to overRM1 million. The campaign was well received by customerswith more than 50,000 customers taking up a minimum oftwo products.“PB 3.33% Reward” Campaign“PB 3.33% Reward” Campaign was launched for a sixmonth period from 1 June 2012 for four selected savingsand demand deposit products. During the campaign period,customers were offered additional interest of 3.33% perannum for 90 days on a minimum incremental Average DailyBalance of RM5,000. The campaign has successfullycaptured more than 112,000 new deposit accounts withtotal deposits of more than RM688 million during thecampaign period.“PB Gold for Gold 2” CampaignFollowing the encouraging results from the previous “PBGold for Gold” Campaign in 2011, <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> re-launcheda similar campaign in 2012. The “PB Gold for Gold 2” whichwas launched on 1 August 2012 offered 1 gram of gold freefor every 200 grams of gold purchased under the GoldInvestment Account (“GIA”). Despite gold prices being on anuptrend since August 2012, the campaign managed togarner total gold sales of over 261kg worth more thanRM44.2 million. Gold investments are expected to remainpopular as gold is generally regarded as a safe haven assetand a hedge instrument against inflation.“PB Golden Dragon Phoenix” Campaign<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> launched the “PB Golden Dragon Phoenix”Campaign from 1 December 2011 to 30 April 2012. Due tooverwhelming response, the campaign was further extendedto 31 May 2012. Under this campaign, customers whomade a certain minimum investment in unit trust funds andopened either a new deposit account or GIA would receivea <strong>com</strong>plimentary gold-plated Dragon and/or Phoenix. Thecampaign successfully captured RM256.4 million sales ofunit trust funds which exceeded the expected take-up bymore than four times.“PB FCY FD Top Rates” CampaignTo further boost the foreign currency deposit base, a threemonth“PB FCY FD Top Rates” Campaign was launched on1 August 2012. The campaign, which was opened toindividuals and corporates, offered additional interest of upto 2% per annum over and above <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>’s prevailingFCY FD interest rates for new FCY FD placements in USDollar, Australian Dollar, Pound Sterling, Euro and NewZealand Dollar whilst 0.8% additional interest per annumwas offered for new FCY FD placements in ChineseRenmimbi. The campaign managed to capture more thanRM41.1 million equivalent of FCY deposits during thecampaign period.

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