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194PUBLIC BANK BERHAD Annual Report 2012Resilient AlwaysChairman’s Review – Business Operations ReviewIslamic <strong>Bank</strong>ingProfit Before Tax and ZakatRM’Million700606*60054552450046940034130020010002008 2009 2010 2011 2012Year<strong>Public</strong> Islamic’s customer deposits registered a <strong>com</strong>mendablegrowth of RM3.67 billion or 18.3% to RM23.7 billion as atthe end of 2012 mainly driven by growth in Non-MudharabahGeneral Investment deposit. Low cost deposits which<strong>com</strong>prise current and savings deposits constituted 30.2% of<strong>Public</strong> Islamic’s total deposits. As at the end of 2012, <strong>Public</strong>Islamic’s customer deposits accounted for 10.5% of the<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> Group’s total customer deposits.The quality of <strong>Public</strong> Islamic’s assets remained strong withgross impaired financing ratio of 0.9% as at the end of2012. <strong>Public</strong> Islamic’s capital position continued to behealthy as reflected by its Tier 1 capital ratio and riskweightedcapital ratio of 11.3% and 12.1% respectively asat the end of 2012.* Restated due to retrospective application of MFRS139Performance Review<strong>Public</strong> Islamic registered pre-tax profit of RM544.7 million in2012, 10.1% lower than 2011 mainly due to higher sharedservice cost in 2012, partially offset by lower allowance forfinancing impairment. Another contributing factor was atransfer to the Profit Equalisation Reserve (“PER”) ofinvestment account holder in 2012 as <strong>com</strong>pared to atransfer from PER in 2011. <strong>Public</strong> Islamic’s net return onequity stood at 18.7% in 2012.The financing portfolio of <strong>Public</strong> Islamic expanded byRM0.93 billion or 4.8% to RM20.42 billion fromRM19.49 billion a year ago, mainly driven by a 33.3%growth in ABBA House Financing-i. <strong>Public</strong> Islamic’s financingportfolio represent 10.3% of the <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> Group’s totalloan portfolio. As part of its strategy to rebalance its financingportfolio, <strong>Public</strong> Islamic reduced its exposure to fixed ratefinancing during the year. As a result, the floating ratefinancing as a percentage of total financing increased to29.2% as at the end of 2012 from 21.4% a year ago. Goingforward, <strong>Public</strong> Islamic will continue to grow floating ratefinancing particularly House Financing-i, Term Financing-i,retail <strong>com</strong>mercial financing and selected corporate financing.Retail <strong>com</strong>mercial financing will continue to be gearedtowards small- and medium-sized enterprises (“SME”).RAM RatingsIn June 2012, Rating Agency Malaysia reaffirmed <strong>Public</strong>Islamic’s long- and short-term financial institution ratings, atAAA and P1. The reaffirmation of the ratings was premisedon the high level of integration between <strong>Public</strong> Islamic’soperations and its parent, <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> Berhad.New Products and InitiativesDeposits and Financing<strong>Public</strong> Islamic continuously seeks to provide innovativeShariah-<strong>com</strong>pliant products to cater to the needs of itscustomers. In 2012, <strong>Public</strong> Islamic launched the followingnew financing and deposit products:HomeSave-i and ShopSave-iA financing package which is linked to a Current Account-i.The Current Account-i balance can be used to reduceoutstanding financing balance for the purpose of profitcalculation.Home Equity Financing-i and Term Equity Financing-iFinancing products offered as alternatives to the existingABBA House and Term Financing-i, structured underthe concept of Musharakah Mutanaqisah (“DiminishingPartnership”).

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