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Continued from page 26 – Warning: Genetically Modified“Agent Orange Corn” Coming soon to a Plate near YouFollow the moneyAs with all genetically modified crops, the reason <strong>com</strong>esdown to one point: corporate profit. It is not about feedingthe hungry masses or improving the lives ofmillions. The main motivating force is always money,plain <strong>and</strong> simple. This is why whenever a new GM crop ison the ticket for approval, food activist groups like theOrganic Consumers Association go on high alert. Theyrealize mega corporations such as Monsanto <strong>and</strong> Dow areup to something — <strong>and</strong> it’s most likely harmful.millions. The main motivating force is always money,plain <strong>and</strong> simple. This is why whenever a new GM crop ison the ticket for approval, food activist groups like theOrganic Consumers Association go on high alert. Theyrealize mega corporations such as Monsanto <strong>and</strong> Dow areup to something — <strong>and</strong> it’s most likely harmful.New “Frankencorn” cropEnlist br<strong>and</strong> GM corn is Dow AgroSciences latest mutantbaby. It’s a crop developed to withst<strong>and</strong> extreme amountsof 2,4-D — an ingredient found in Agent Orange thatseverely jeopardizes the health of the environment as wellas that of humans <strong>and</strong> wildlife. Round Up Ready resistant‘superweeds’ apparently need something stronger. EnterAgent Orange.As accurately observed by conventional soybean <strong>and</strong> cornfarmer George Naylor, “Farmers are on the front lines ofthis potential chemical disaster,” <strong>and</strong> adds, “I’m also veryconcerned about the further pollution of the air <strong>and</strong> waterin my <strong>com</strong>munity.” Scientists <strong>and</strong> more than 140 advocacygroups have flooded U.S. Agriculture Secretary TomVilsack’s inbox with letters protesting Dow’s regulatoryapplication for the Enlist crop. But further pressure isneeded to stop the approval. To take action against thistoxic new breed of corn, click here.Sources for this article include:http://www.chicagotribune.<strong>com</strong>/health/agentorange/chi-091204-vietnam-agentorange-pictureshttp://www.globalresearch.ca/vietnam-chemical-<strong>com</strong>panies-usauthorities-knew-thedangers-of-agent-orangehttp://www.huffingtonpost.<strong>com</strong>/2012/04/26/enlist-dow-agentorangecornhttp://disabilitymessage.<strong>com</strong>/disability/content/vets-suspectagent-orange-dangerspassed-down-kidshttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2185917/L<strong>and</strong>mark-US-clean-Vietnam-Agent-Orange-fallout-announced-Chemicallinked-cancer-birth-defectshttp://www.sciencedaily.<strong>com</strong>/releases/2012/10/12100209283927-- Traditional African Clinic July 2013http://directaction.org.au/issue25/agent_orange_us_still_attacking_the_people_of_vietnam_35_years_onhttp://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/diseaseshttp://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/birth_defects.asphttp://salsa3.salsalabs.<strong>com</strong>/o/50865/p/dia/action3/<strong>com</strong>mon/publichttp://www.organicconsumers.org/bytes/ob364http://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/diseaseshttp://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/birth_defects.asphttp://salsa3.salsalabs.<strong>com</strong>/o/50865/p/dia/action3/<strong>com</strong>mon/publichttp://www.organicconsumers.org/bytes/ob364http://wakeup-world.<strong>com</strong>/2013/07/14/warning-geneticallymodified-agent-orange-corn-<strong>com</strong>ing-soon-to-a-plate-nearyou/☻☻☻☻☻Herbicide <strong>and</strong> PesticideExposure linked toParkinson's DiseaseBy Case AdamsJune 05, 2013A recent study from UCLA has confirmed thatexposure to the herbicide Paraquat is linked with aheightened risk of Parkinson's disease. This <strong>com</strong>bineswith other research that has found other chemicals usedon our foods <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>scapes significantly increase therisk of Parkinson's.The researchers, from UCLA's Fielding School ofPublic Health, studied 357 Parkinson's disease casesalong with 754 control subjects - adults from CentralCalifornia. The researchers determined increasedexposure to the herbicide Paraquat through geographicmapping linking their home locations to agriculturaluse of the chemical on farms. Those living closer tofarms that sprayed the herbicide were found to have aalong with 754 control subjects - adults from CentralCalifornia. The researchers determined increasedexposure to the herbicide Paraquat through geographicmapping linking their home locations to agriculturaluse of the chemical on farms. Those living closer tofarms that sprayed the herbicide were found to have a36% increased risk of Parkinson's.Continued on page 28

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