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toxicity - pesticides, herbicides and insecticides - Blackherbals.com

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Continued from page 6 – Roundup, an Herbicide, Could BeLinked To Parkinson's, Cancer <strong>and</strong> Other Health IssuesOf the more than two dozen top <strong>herbicides</strong> on the market,glyphosate is the most popular. In 2007, as much as 185million pounds of glyphosate was used by U.S. farmers,double the amount used six years ago, according toEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) data.http://www.huffingtonpost.<strong>com</strong>/2013/04/25/roundup-herbicidehealth-issues-disease_n_3156575.html☻☻☻☻☻☻Lethality of Roundup'Weedkiller' Extends BeyondPlants to Humans, StudySuggestsBy Sayer JiApril 25, 2013A shocking new study finds that glyphosate, the activeingredient in Roundup herbicide, "...may be the mostbiologically disruptive chemical in our environment,"capable of contributing to a wide range of fatal hum<strong>and</strong>iseases.A new report published in the journal Entropy links theactive ingredient in Roundup herbicide known asglyphosate with a wide range of fatal diseases.[i]Glyphosate is the world's most popular herbicide <strong>and</strong> isdesigned to kill all but genetically modified "RoundupReady" plants, such as GM corn, soy, beet, cottonseed<strong>and</strong> canola. Over 180 million pounds of the chemical arenow applied to US soils each year,[ii] <strong>and</strong> whileagrichemical manufacturers <strong>and</strong> government regulatorshave considered it 'relatively safe,' an exp<strong>and</strong>ing body ofbiomedical research indicates that it may cause over 30distinct adverse health effects in exposed populations atfar lower concentrations than used in agriculturalapplications.The new report, authored by Stephanie Seneff, a researchscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,<strong>and</strong> Anthony Samsel, a retired science consultant fromArthur D. Little, Inc., brings to the forefront concernsvoiced by an outspoken minority that Roundup <strong>and</strong>related glyphosate herbicide formulations arecontributing to diseases as far-ranging as inflammatorybowel disease, anorexia, cystic fibrosis, cancer,Alzheimer's <strong>and</strong> Parkinson's disease, <strong>and</strong> infertility. Infact, the authors propose that glyphosate, contrary tobeing essentially nontoxic, "...may be the mostbiologically disruptive chemical in our environment."7-- Traditional African Clinic July 2013The researchers identified the inhibition <strong>and</strong>/or disruptionof cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes as a hithertooverlooked mechanism of <strong>toxicity</strong> associated withglyphosate exposure in mammals.CYP enzymes are essential for detoxifying xenobioticchemicals from the body. Glyphosate therefore enhancesthe damaging effects of other food borne chemicalresidues <strong>and</strong> environmental toxins. The researchers alsoshowed how interference with CYP enzymes actssynergistically with disruption of the biosynthesis ofaromatic amino acids by gut bacteria (e.g. tryptophan), aswell as impairment in serum sulfate transport, a criticalbiological system for cellular detoxification (e.g.transulfuration pathway which detoxifies metals).These effect, according to the researchers, can contributeto causing or worsening "...most of the diseases <strong>and</strong>conditions associated with a Western diet which includegastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease,depression, autism, infertility, cancer <strong>and</strong> Alzheimer'sdisease."This new report may help to explain why over 30 adversehealth effects associated with Roundup herbicideexposure have been identified in the peer-reviewed <strong>and</strong>published literature so far. The full report in PDF formcan be obtained here. Please help us spread thisinformation, as well as our Roundup Toxicity Research<strong>and</strong> GMO Research pages, by sharing them with otherconcerned individuals <strong>and</strong> groups.Resources[i] Samsel A, Seneff S. Glyphosate's Suppression ofCytochrome P450 Enzymes <strong>and</strong> Amino Acid Biosynthesis bythe Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases. Entropy.2013; 15(4):1416-1463.[ii] Huffingtonpost.<strong>com</strong>, Roundup, An Herbicide, Could BeLinked To Parkinson's, Cancer And Other Health Issues, StudyShowshttp://www.greenmedinfo.<strong>com</strong>/blog/lethality-roundupweedkiller-may-extend-beyond-plants-humans-study-shows☻☻☻☻☻☻Insecticides Modified in GMCorn Polluting U.S. WatersBy Elizabeth RenterAugust 6, 2012Corn, a crop most likely to be genetically modified – with70 percent of corn engineered simply to drown inMonsanto’s best-selling herbicide Roundup - is castingoff its GMO contaminants into surrounding waterways,<strong>and</strong> likely making it into your drinking water. Accordingto researchers, the <strong>insecticides</strong> modified into the corn areContinued on page 9

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