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toxicity - pesticides, herbicides and insecticides - Blackherbals.com

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Continued from page 36- Data show Correlations betweenIncrease in Neurological Diseases <strong>and</strong> GMOsIn 2006, Gr<strong>and</strong>jean <strong>and</strong> L<strong>and</strong>rigan reported ondevelopmental neuro<strong>toxicity</strong> of industrial chemicals.“Neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, attentiondeficit disorder, mental retardation, <strong>and</strong> cerebral palsyare <strong>com</strong>mon, costly, <strong>and</strong> can cause lifelong disability. ...Exposure to these chemicals during early fetaldevelopment can cause brain injury at doses much lowerthan those affecting adult brain function.”Data sources:Alzheimer's & Senile Dementia death data: CDC<strong>com</strong>pressed mortality filesAutism prevalence: CDC:1975* & 1995* from Nature, vol. 479, Nov. 2011Autism IDEA data: 1992-19981999-2010http://nces.ed.gov/FastFacts/display.asp?id=64U.S. Dept. of Education, National Center for EducationStatistics (2012). Digest of Education Statistics, 2011(NCES 2012-001), Chapter 2.Glyphosate: USDA:NASS National AgriculturalStatistics Service (NASS)Percent GE corn & soy data:1996-1999 data: USDA Agricultural Economic ReportNo. (AER-810) 67 pp, May 20022000-2012 data: USDA:NASS National AgriculturalStatistics ServiceSuggested by the author:• Data trends show correlation between increasein organ disease <strong>and</strong> GMOs• GMOs are prevalent in the U.S. food supply• GMO crops increase pesticide use (Photos)http://www.examiner.<strong>com</strong>/article/data-show-correlationsbetween-increase-neurological-diseases-<strong>and</strong>-gmos☻☻☻☻☻Popular Herbicide moreDeadly to Liver Cells than itsActive Chemical AloneAug 18, 2009Gasniera C, C Dumontb, N Benachoura, E Claira, MCChagnonb <strong>and</strong> GE Séralini. 2009. Glyphosate-based<strong>herbicides</strong> are toxic <strong>and</strong> endocrine disruptors inhuman cell lines.Toxicology doi:10.1016/j.tox.2009.06.006.Synopsis by Negin P. Martin, Ph.DVery low doses of some types of the herbicide Roundupcan disrupt human liver cell function; the formulations'<strong>toxicity</strong> may be tied to their "inactive" ingredients ratherthan the active weed-killing ingredient glyphosate.French scientists report that a number of Roundupformulations tested at very dilute concentrations can alterhormone actions <strong>and</strong> cause human liver cells to die within24 hours of treatment.The <strong>toxicity</strong> of some of the formulations was independentof how much glyphosate – the active herbicide in Roundup– they contained, suggesting it is other "inert" ingredientsthat may alone – or in <strong>com</strong>bination with each other <strong>and</strong>/orthe weedkiller – assault the cells. This study's results aresimilar to prior studies – as reported in a recentEnvironmental Health News article – that find humanembryo cells are affected more by the Roundupformulations <strong>and</strong> an inert ingredient than by the activeingredient.The levels of Roundup used in this study are similar towhat is typically found in food crops or animal feed treatedwith Roundup. Because of this, it is possible that people,livestock <strong>and</strong> wildlife may be exposed to levels of theherbicide mix that can damage cells.Glyphosate is harmful to humans <strong>and</strong> animals even at avery low dose. It is often tested by itself in regulatorystudies to determine if the Roundup formulation is toxic.However, according to this study, levels of glyphosate inRoundup formulations are not good indicators of <strong>toxicity</strong>.The ingredients responsible for the increased potency ofRoundup formulations seen in this study – as <strong>com</strong>pared topurified glyphosate – remain unknown. The chemicalformulas of herbicide additives are generally protected astrade secrets, <strong>and</strong> the researchers did not try to chemicallyidentify them. Therefore, their effects cannot be easilyinvestigated <strong>and</strong> they remain undetected in the environment.Roundup was developed as a weapon against weeds. Manygenetically modified (GM) plants have been developed totolerate Roundup. Today, Roundup is the most widely usedweedkiller in the world <strong>and</strong> 75 percent of all GM plants areengineered to resist the herbicide. Monsanto agricultural<strong>com</strong>pany produces both Roundup <strong>and</strong> Roundup-resistantGM plants.37-- Traditional African Clinic July 2013Four Roundup formulations – Roundup Express 7.2 (R7.2),Bioforce (R360), Gr<strong>and</strong>s Travaux (R400) <strong>and</strong> Gr<strong>and</strong>sTravaux Plus (R450) – were tested in this study.Continued on page 38

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