Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

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way he loves, which is with and through the body and fucking.What he wants but cannot have—because he loves—isperhaps best described <strong>by</strong> Eric in Another Country:And the encounter took place, at last, between two dreamers,neither o f whom could wake the other, except for the bitterestand briefest o f seconds. T hen sleep descended again, thesearch continued, chaos came again. 47But Giovanni never escapes his ability to feel; his identity. Beingable to love, rooted in self-knowledge, only makes lovepossible, not inevitable; not happy; not reciprocal; never safeor certain or easy.With the destruction of identity, fucking as love is destroyed,because, as Baldwin says, “to make love to you is not the samething as taking you. Love is a journey two people have to makewith each other. ”48Those who are able to know themselvesmust then find “the grace” that enables them to conquer thefear of that knowledge, “ [f]or the meaning of revelation is thatwhat is revealed is true, and must be borne. ”49With this grace,fucking can be communion, a sharing, mutual possession of anenormous mystery; it has the intensity and magnificence of violentfeeling transformed into tenderness:Everything in him, from his heights and depths, his mysterious,hidden source, came rushing together, like a great floodbarely channeled in a narrow mountain stream. And it chilledhim like that— like icy water; and roared in him like that, andwith the menace o f things scarcely understood, barely to becontrolled; and he shook with the violence with w hich he

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