Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

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piously went about their work. ” 24Her body, no longer hers, belongsto the community that upholds male dominance; andthese women are agents of that community, that male dominance,not a subversive or sympathetic sisterhood; they are entitledto search every nook and cranny of her body to see thatshe is being possessed according to the rites and laws of maledominance: that she is being fucked. The community expressesits will on her body; it mandates the fuck. The sensualityof possession, then, is what she has inside that system ofreality; and without it, she has nothing. Reb Itche Mates doesnot fuck her, but he does use her. At night, he read prayers,beat his breast, wept, confessed, thenwarmed his frigid hands between her breasts and his bristlyhairs pricked her, yet his teeth continued to chatter and hisbody shook so that the bed shook with it. 25The demon Lilith, in the room with them, seen <strong>by</strong> him, lookedlike Rechele; and the vision of her, her presence for him, gavehim pleasure: “‘Long hair like yours. Naked. Concupiscent. ’” 26Eventually, the community leaves Rechele to him, to do toher what he wants according to whim or taste. Not beingfucked, she ceases to exist for the community. She becomes sociallyinvisible. The community does not value ownership of afemale without the fuck. The continuing reality of male potencyis the interest of the community served <strong>by</strong> the sex act aspossession. Not serving that interest, an adult woman has nosocial existence or importance. Abandoned <strong>by</strong> the penis, she isabandoned <strong>by</strong> her community, organized on earth to celebrateand perpetuate male power and potency as divine. She is abandoned<strong>by</strong> power, <strong>by</strong> God.

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