Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

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apes at all; he is visually impaired— there is nothing bigenough for him to see; he is hearing-impaired— there are notenough screams; he cannot hear. The women in the clandestineprisons, Jews or other racially degraded women in otherplaces, are raped the way women are <strong>by</strong> men who rape the waymen rape. The bad motives of the men— their racist motives—are a matter for moral indignation, yes; but there is no atrocity.Atrocity— and rape recognized as atrocity— is committedagainst a whole people, men too, unmanning the men, hurtingthem. Otherwise, rape does not count: not as torture; not as intolerableand unconscionable violation. The crimes againstTimerman were crimes: keeping him in jail with special insultsand special malice because he was a Jew; terrorizing his familybecause he was a Jew; punishing him extra and worse becausehe began to fight as a newspaper editor for the disappeared inArgentina and he was a Jew. The “girls” were “girls.” None ofthe “girls” who were raped has brought a book to internationalattention; not yet. The anti-Semitism against him matteredwhen it did matter— and that was a fight— because he was aman; he existed, despite anti-Semitism, recognizably as an individual.Women get raped anyway because they are women:all the same in that regard. The rape of a woman <strong>by</strong> a racist excitedand incensed <strong>by</strong> her race is in the realm of ordinary sexualdesire, the kind all men feel, part of a continuum of sexualdesire in which hostility always plays some part; the hostility isusually seen as innocuous; even when identifiable as racism itis not distinct from normal kinds of sexual arousal. As Sartrewrote in Anti-Semite and Jew: “ In Berlin I knew a Protestant inwhom sexual desire took the form of indignation. The sight ofwomen in bathing suits aroused him to fury; he willingly encouragedthat fury and passed his time at swimming pools.

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