Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

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POSSESSIONN T E R C O U R S E IS C O M M O N L Y W R I T T E N A B O U T A N D C O M -Iprehended as a form of possession or an act of possession inwhich, during which, because of which, a man inhabits awoman, physically covering her and overwhelming her and atthe same time penetrating her; and this physical relation toher— over her and inside her— is his possession of her. He hasher, or, when he is done, he has had her. By thrusting into her,he takes her over. His thrusting into her is taken to be her capitulationto him as a conqueror; it is a physical surrender of herselfto him; he occupies and rules her, expresses his elementaldominance over her, <strong>by</strong> his possession of her in the fuck.The act itself, without more, is the possession. There neednot be a social relationship in which the woman is subordinateto the man, a chattel in spirit or deed, decorative or hardworking.There need not be an ongoing sexual relationship in whichshe is chronically, demonstrably, submissive or masochistic.The normal fuck <strong>by</strong> a normal man is taken to be an act of invasionand ownership undertaken in a mode of predation: colo-nializing, forceful (manly) or nearly violent; the sexual act that

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