Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

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ity of soul and with no sense of disintegration between bodyand soul. ” 6An honest sinner and an honest utopian, Augustinestresses the inner peace and human wholeness of an intercoursebased on harmony, not lust; and he underscores thealienation and turmoil in intercourse based on the lust fordominance. Nature, however, is the same in Eden and outsideit: a man and his wife; active and passive roles in intercourse; anatural intercourse, even in Eden, of the fucker and thefucked.Nature in this usage means what God made, his will, hisintention; the essence and meaning of creation; what a thingor being is in itself. God made, willed, intended, male andfemale, active and passive, in intercourse; male dominancewithout the kick. This is the nature God made. Male dominancehas in fact had the cachet of being both natural and divine.Evolutionists, for instance, canned God but not theessential male and female he created and not intercourse as heintended it: male with female; active and passive. They foundsecular, science-saturated arguments to support the samearrangement of human reality. Even without a belief in God,nature is what God made the way he made it. Crimes againstnature, then, have been crimes against God: direct hits onhim. Crimes against nature violate what beings are; for instance,the crime of sodomy violates what men are, their intrinsicnature. As Augustine wrote:Sins against nature, therefore, like the sin o f Sodom , areabominable and deserve punishment wherever and wheneverthey are committed. If all nations committed them, all alikewould be held guilty o f the same charge in G o d ’s law, for ourMaker did not prescribe that we should use each other in this

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