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Mr. Boyle 63wrong as the girl had said wrong was done control. He dropped his grizzled headtoward women working against odds, into his hands and gulped sobs whichworking for lower pay than men for mastered him.equal work with men? Could that be The boy patted his shoulder and spokeso ? The thought hurt the chivalrous boy futile words: "There, old chap," andlike a toothache."I've got to stop."We'll fix 'em—don't you worry," andI'll get in an extra "It'll come all right."hour to-morrow," he confided to HollowayThe man got his voice, an uncertainByrd, and took his hat and swung voice but yet speech. " Oi beg y'r pardon,out.sor-r. 'Tis mortal shamed Oi am—butHe veered to a room lying beyond the yez come on me suddin loike." A heavycorridor on his way. It was dark; somethingsob shook him. " 'Tis me gyur-rl," spokestirred. Dick had an electric flash­Mr. Boyle waveringly, and gazed at Dicklight. Mr. Boyle. Mr. Boyle, in one of through bleared eyes.the row of chairs set against the wall, "Your girl? Your daughter?" inquireddrooped in lax lines, lifting a face of Dick.dreary hopelessness to the sudden glare. " Uh-huh!" Mr. Boyle nodded. " Just."You!" Dick spoke. And the Irishman'Tis her thot was th' pride av us and themade an instant effort to be as he shmart wan av us all, an' 'tis a good ed-was expected to be.dication f'r common people we do be givin'"Shure an' 'tis me distinguishedher, an' her so quick at her books an'fri'nd. Av coorse," he stated. "'Tis wor-rkin' hard an' doin' well. 'Twas th'airly yez be leavin'. Oi wasn't expietin' bright face av her in th' house an' heryez. Maybe Oi was dhrappin' aff to singin' and crackin' jokes th' minit she'dshlape a wink whilst I was waitin' to shut be home from wor-rk that was joy t' heroop th' place after yez."mother and me. An'now—" The voice"I'm going early, yes," Dick agreed. broke again.He looked at the man's face in the concentrated"Did—did something happen to her?"little circle of light. As he stammered Dick, afraid to ask.looked a tear rolled off Mr. Boyle's cheek Mr. Boyle jerked straight and his faceand dropped into darkness. "Good was angry as the little cold light flashedLord! "Dick said. Then: "Mr. Boyle— across it. "Thim divils bounced her," heyou're in trouble. Can I do anything?" announced sternly.The Irishman's upper lip, stiff and Dick was bewildered. " Bounced her ? "dark with many years' shaving, twisted he repeated.in vain effort at control; a throb of "She was head shtenographer to thesympathy caught the boy. Poor old dishtrict attorney's office," explained Mr.chap! Poor old Mr. Boyle ! So full of Boyle. "She'd wor-rked oop t' ut indeviltry five minutes back for their benefit,three years, an' thot's quick. An' they'dand all the time some wolf gnawing! promised her a big raise t' her sal'ry, thotHe dropped into a chair and put his hand good at takin' ut down she was. An'on a heaving shoulder.along cum a mon—wan o' these here"Mr. Boyle! I'm sorry. I am, for a voters," Mr. Boyle explained in detailfact. Can't I do something? You're a with scorn, "an' he tuk a shoine to memighty good friend of all of us. If it's gyur-rl's job, an' th' dishtrict attorney,anything I can tackle I'll see it through he was comin' oop f'r eliction ag'in, an'with a whoop. I don't want to—butt in,but do let a fellow help."th' feller was a politician and conthrolledthe war-rd, an' so he giv me gyur-rl th'Mr. Boyle slewed about an elderly, go-by jist loike thot. All her wor-rk forlined face marked with tears. "'Tis not three years gonn f'r nothin'. All herpickled Oi am," he explained. And then: c'reer thot she did be hopin' f'r—gonn,"" 'Tis none of me business wor-ritin' stated Mr. Boyle in a voice of tragedy.th' yoong shtatesman," he brought out "It was a beastly shame. But she'llbrokenly, and tried to pull himself together.get another job just as good, of course."But the touch of the lad's hand Dick was conscious of a hotness as hehad perhaps been too much for his self-said it.

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