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Industry and OpportunityThe Pittsburgh District is recognized as the industrialcenter of the world. Where the greatestindustry exists, the most opportunities for the investorare found.Bonds, which we own and offer, will appeal to theconservative investor, who is seeking the maximumamount of safety and a reasonable return.Send for late lists.B O N D D E P A R T M E N TMellon Nationa1 B anKPittsburgh, Pa.Wheat in the Judith Basin ofMontanaInterpreting theFinancial NewsFrom the New York Evening Post, May 2S, IQIQ" In view of the great part which our harvest prospectsare playing in the political and social calculations ofEurope and our own financial calculations, it is reassuringto learn, from the Government's weekly cropweatherbulletin, that grain is doing well throughoutthe country."Clearly it is the course of wisdom to invest in firstmortgages on wheat farms which assure security forprincipal and prompt payment of liberal interest.We offer first mortgages on wheat-growing farms ofWashington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana.To Net Six Percent.Write for current offerings and for"THE NORTHWEST IN AGRICULTURE,"Our new booklet for investors, sent free on requestVermont Loan &Trust Co.BRATTLEBORO, Spokane,VERMONT WashingtonGet OurIncome ChartOur chart, showing thetrend of Municipal Bondprices since 1900, is ofinterest to all investorsand graphic proof of thepresent attractiveness ofMunicipal Bonds fromanincome-producingstandpoint.Write for your copy today.Ask for Chart " SMJ "W/ELLS-DICKEy COMPANY" ESTABLISHED 1878SURPLUS fi CAPITAL $ 1.300,000Minneapolis Minnesota75

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