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"1. Centres in all the backward lands,where the fundamental elements of acivilized life shall be taught: self-government,science, art and particularly thethings of social value (such centres as thecolleges at Constantinople, Beirut, Tarsus,Aintab, et al., and the groups of missionariesand doctors, as at Adana, Mersina,and scores of other places)."2. A world order language to beeveryman's second language — call itever'yman's language—language of the worldleague."3. World order menand women, administrators,demonstrators, doctors,in every centre, withoutnationality."I do not know whatnation is to have the politicalmandatory for thatland and those lands beyond,back to the Gardenof Eden. I hope Americawill not have to take anypolitical mandatory, butthat she will continue andextend her moral mandatorythere where she hasalready sent her first messengersof the democracyof mercy and humanbrotherhood."In the region beyondthe Taurus Mountains theHellenes, the Apostles, andthe Crusaders passed toand fro, penetrating one another as theimages of thoughts in the philosophy ofLucretius. Here, too, passed the dwellersin Cappadocia and Asia and Phrygia andPamphylia, on their way to the Pentecostalmeeting in Jerusalem, where thecloven tongues descended. And just overthe hills, to the south and west, one couldeasily imagine the Apocalyptical angelsstill hovering over the sites of thechurches of Laodicaea the "hike-warm"and Philadelphia of the "open door"and Sardis of the "few in white raiment."In the long interstices of travel, when the andengine was getting up steam to go on, onecould hear the mediaeval Pilgrims-of-the-Day singing as they reached these kindlyvalleys after the rugged table-lands:"Fair are the meadows, fairer still theThe Berlin to Bagdad Line 75woodlands"; and the Pilgrims-of-lhe-Night carrying on the melody, " Fair isthe sunshine, fairer still the moonlight,and all the twinkling, starry host"; orcould hear the sound of the rush of Cyrus'sGreek warriors (with helmets ofbrass instead of steel) in review beforethe Cilician queen who fled in fear. Butabove all others (save the miserable refugeesin the flesh before one's eyes) onewas conscious of the presence of St. Paul,The same peasant and his daughter, as shown on opposite page.who "in weariness and painfulness, inhunger and thirst, in fastings often, incold and nakedness," moved where hadlived those who invited his immortalEpistle to the Galatians.I saw one of his spiritual descendantsamong the living who had been drivenfrom Galatian homes because of the faithof St. Paul to which they clung. I foundthis frail but indomitable pastor of Iconiumreturning to his flock, which he wasgathering again from their wanderings,crowded with two score of men-5 women,children in a box-car, making nocomplaint of discomfort but concernedonly that he should reach his city in timefor his Sunday service. (And he arrivedat midnight.)Before another day's and another

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