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Garden HoseFACTSAboutWHAT constitutesreal valuein Garden Hose?What kinds of GardenHose are bestto buy ? How longshould Hose last?There is much confusionand misconceptionon these points.The fundamentalfacts, briefly stated,are:Garden Hose seldom wears out. Itusually dies and falls to pieces.To give long service it must bebuilt right, and to insure that it isbuilt right the buyer must choosea standard brand made and guaranteedby a reliable house.Garden Hose is of two kinds—sheetinghose and moulded hose. Sheeting hose isfive, six or seven ply according to the numberof layers of strong rubberized sheetingwrapped around a seamless tube and finallyenclosed in a rubber casing or cover.Moulded hose is made by vulcanizingseamless tubes of rubber with doublebraided jackets of tightly twisted cotton.It is a heavier type construction than sheetinghose which is lighter and more flexible.Each variety bus its strong advocates. Wedescribe on this page the three leadingbrands on the American market, each theleader in its class.Bull Dog Hosehas seven plies of strong rubberizedsheeting, the highest grade tube ofany hose made and a tough all rubbercover that wears like iron. Itwas the original multiple constructiongarden hose and money can notbuy a better quality. It has beenon the market forty years and letterscome to us frequently telling oflengths in service from fifteen totwenty years. BULL DOG costs more than ordinary hosebut it is the best investment in the long run.Good Luck HoseGOOD LUCK hose is similar inconstruction to BULL DOG but isslightly lighter. It has six plies andis strong enough to stand high pressureand tough enough for hardservice. It is light and easily handledand will wear for a long time.Made in 25 ft. or 50 ft. lengrths as desired,each wrapped with paper likean auto tire.MILOA corrugated moulded hose, themost popular brand in its class.Your dealer can cut it to any desiredlength. If you prefer mouldedhose by all means specify MILOfor its high quality and splendid construction.Whichever brand you select ask your dealerfor a copy of our Garden Manual, a professionalhandbook for the amateur gardener.If your regular dealer does not carrythese standard brands or cannot supplyMaking The Garden Growyou with the booklet, we will mail youa copy of the Manual upon receipt ofa 3c. stamp and quote prices on eitherbrand of hose for shipment from thefactory.BOSTON WOVEN HOSE AND RUBBER COMPANYLargest and Oldest Makers of Garden Hose in the WorldManufacturers of the famous GOOD LUCK Jar Rubbers100 PORTLAND STREET, CAMRRIDGE, MASS.116

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