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The Book of the National P a r k sBy Robert Sterling YardIt's vacation time in our great national parks—from Lafayette Park in Maineto the Yosemite in California. Here is an invaluable book for tourist, motorist, orcamper—not a mere sentimental appreciation of the parks, but a fascinating presentationof their historical and scientific, as well as their scenic, features by an enthusiasticoutdoors man and official in the Department of the Interior. Illus. $3.00Trailing the BolshevikiBy Carl W.CorrespondentAckermanfor the New York TimesA vivid panorama of Bolshevism inaction in city and countryside based onmany months' study in the course of12,000 miles of travel through BolshevistSiberia. The book is written thatpeople may have before them the evidencesof what Bolshevism is. $2.00A Pilgrim in PalestineBy JohnFinleyRed Cross Commissioner to PalestineA record of days and nights afoot inthe Holy Land, full of the dramatic contrastsof the vivid present against thebackground of the age-old past. "Theseexquisite sketches," comments one critic,"are the finest things of their kind thelast decade has produced." Illus. $2.00The Mastery of the F a r EastBy Arthur Judson <strong>Brown</strong>A new book of the first importance on the Far Eastern situation. Political, racial,social, religious difficulties—the problems that underlie the present wide-spread unrestin Korea, China, and Japan—are discussed with great completeness. Professor Nitobe,of the Japanese Imperial <strong>University</strong>, and Baron Goto, former Minister of ForeignAffairs, now in this country, have each bought several copies to send back to Japan." Readers who have learned to expect violent partisanship from almost any writer on FarEastern affairs will be delighted by the impartiality and good judgment which pervade this entirebook," says the critic of the New York Times in the course of a three-column review. Illus. $6.00C h a r t e r S c r i b n e r ' f S o n fFifth AVenue at 48th Street, ffetv york21

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