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There is danger intender gumsThe"Universal Call"of"White House Coffee"— radiating from the thousands of "stations'*(retail groceries) where fine coffeesare sold, finds ready responses of "YES;1 want some,'* from home "receiving stations"all over this broad country—where"White House*' quality and deliciousnessare recognized, respected and enjoyed bymore lhan 3,000,000of enthusiastic users.Just YOU listen—for this "universal call"is intended for YOUR ear, also.MakeYOUR home a "receiving station," notonly for the message, but for theCOFFEE, as well."White House"Coffee is deliberately planned to pleasepeople; and there will be no exceptionin YOUR case, we assure you."NONE BETTERAT ANY PRICE "DWINELL-WRIGHT COMPANYPnncipal Coffee RoastersBOSTONCHICAGOand clean.Forhan'sF O RT H EGUMSTO preserve heal thy teeththe ordinary tooth-pasteis futile.You must firstcare for the gums, on whichtooth health depends.Howmany people think ofthis ? Yet four out of five peopleoverforty suffer from gumdecay,or Pyorrhea (Riggs'Disease).At first the gums becometender, though actual gumshrinkageisButimperceptible.in time receding gumswill surely loosen your teeth,andthen only a dentist cansave them. The tender, bleedinggums of Pyorrhea alsoact as so many doorways fordisease germs to enter thesystem—infecting joints ortonsils—or causing otherailments.Forhan's (For the Gums)prevents Pyorrhea, if usedintime and used consistently.This means that it prevents. gum-shrinkage, gum-tenderness,gum-bleeding.So,automatically, Forhan'sprevents tooth loosening.iBrush your teeth with itIt scientifically cleans theteeth—keeps them whiteIf gum-shrinkage has alreadyset in, start usingForhan's and consult adentist immediately fortreatment35c and 60c tubesAll DruggistsFORHAKCO.200 Ctli Ave., y. Y.LATHESFor Gunsmiths, Tool Makers,I • \ itiKiii ;t) mill Kejiiiir Work, etcLathe Catalogue Free.W.F.&Jno. Barnes Co.528 Ruby St., Itoclifoid, III.82

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