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fIRE drills are good,but not infallible.In spite of the drill,when a real fire burstout, this little boy,stricken with senselesspanic, hid in a darkcloakroom.Who is supposed to guard the livesof school children anyway ?nOW, Willie, be careful when you crossthe tracks."Mother stands in the doorway, watchingher little boy running down the street.And then, turning to father, she says,"I always worry till I think he is safe insidethe schoolhouse door."But once safely inside that door, Willie issupposed to be out of danger for the nextsix hours at least. Unthinking parentsnever stop to consider the daily fire menacethat exists in school buildings.Take These Plain FactsSome five billion dollars ofbusiness property has been protectedfrom fire by automaticsprinklers.State Industrial Commissionsare guarding the lives of factoryemployees by requiring this sameunfailing protection in businessproperty.The United States Governmentinsisted on war industriesbeing so protected.You have a hazy ideathat school buildings aresafe because somebodytold you so. "Fire drills"and "fire escape" soundsafe enough — fine —until the flames are leapingthrough the window.School fires start in mysterious out-of-the-way places, andsmolder along unnoticed in a vacant room or closet. Thensuddenly there comes a terrible roaring and in a fewmoments the whole building bursts into flame.Investigate conditions in your school yourself. Don'tlet anyone assure you that your school is safe enough tillyou understand what that safety means. Don't foolyourself because the doors open outward and the stairwayis of iron.You could provide a dozen, yes fifty minor "safeguards"and only find when the schoolhouse is burned up, thatall these superficial methods of protection will never accomplishone-tenth what the Grinnell Automatic SprinklerSystem will. The Automatic Sprinkler system equals ahundred firemen right there, always on the job.As soon as the fire starts in the building, these automaticfiremen come into action and drown the fire beforeit becomes a menace.Read—"Fire Tragedies and Their Remedy"Any individual, trustee or official will find in "Fire Tragedies andTheir Remedy " the unvarnished truth and a path of imperative socialservice. Write for it today. Address General Fire ExtinguisherCompany, 287 West Exchange St., Providence, R.I.GRINNELLAUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMWhen the fire starts the water starts120

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