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SIMSU.S.N.iT WAS SIMS who, under the guise of a landsman,investigated the situation and reportedthe Allies helpless against the German submarines—thatthe war would end about November 1st,1917—and end with a German Victory.From a probability of overwhelming defeat to thecertainty of overwhelming victory—an accomplishmentof less than six months—is a chapter of glorywritten indelibly into the history of the war andis the result of pooling the finest naval brains andnautical skill of the British and American Navies.Besides the decisive and critical submarine period, Admiral Sims will tell ofthe British Fleet and about the North Sea Mine Barrages which made clear the pathbetween England and the mainland.Sims always has his "say" regardless of the consequences. The account willinclude the plans which made it possible to attack, by mammoth naval guns, theGerman lines north of Verdun—and how the convoy system ferried 2,000,000 Americantroops safely to France.ROOSEVELT, his opinions and political movesThe inside story of the Progressive Party. How his break with Taft cameabout and his relation with other Republican leaders, together with memoranda inhis own handwriting in which is disclosed the reason for Taft's nomination. This isone of the big articles of the year. Begins in the July issue.Start Your Subscription NOWIt insures you of good reading for twelve months.Tear out the coupon and mail it to-day. Yearly subscription$4.00, or on the newsstands 35c the copy.THE WORLD'S WORKDoubleday, Page & Co. Garden City, N. Y.T H E WORLD'S W O R KDoubleday, Page & Co.GARDEN CITY, NEW YORKGentlemen:Send me The World's Workfor one year. I enclose $4.00.NameAddress25

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