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A Recruit for Law and Order 119this case, and you are going free the' house for $5 a week, pulling a push cartminute you leave this room. You have overloaded with printed matter, for 15my solemn promise that I shall not punish and 20 blocks. I was merely a kid then.you even if you tell me now to my face I used to come home overworked andthat you won't write the letter. But if used to lie to my mother that it was ayou are the boy I think you are, your fine job. After 2 months work, I wasown self-respect and sense of honor and forced to return to school for I was notfair play will make you do it."14 years of age yet. When my 14th birthdaydawned I felt I was the happiestHarry got up from his chair and cametoward me. "Judge,"'he said, "I've fello on earth. That day was in Augustsimply got to write that letter. Even a year ago. I lost no time in getting myif you tried to, you couldn't stop me. working papers. From that day I managedHere's my hand on it."And with that pledge we parted.Harry's word was as good as his bond,to get along a trifle better with theaid of $6 or $7 a week, but still I was inhard luck, for the high cost of living camefor a few days later he made his apology along, and there I went. Last May Ito Judge A. in the following form: decided to enter school for the study ofCivil Engineering, my greatest ambition.I received information from the same,that one must be 16 years of age in orderNEW YORK CITY,Nov. ioth.HON. JUDGE A.,Magistrate's Court,New York City.My dear Judge:I am asking you to forgive me for writingthat insulting letter to you about twoweeks ago, which caused you much annoyance.But you can picture yourselfin my place on Monday, two weeks ago.In order that you know whom I am, Iwill tell you something of my life. In thefirst place I have suffered all my life,thru want of good, descent clothes anda respectable living home. During mycourse in Public School I suffered immenselybecause I was small and did notknow much about life. But I did mywork efficiently, although I felt ashamedof myself on seeing so many boys dressednice, and had to wear torn old clothes.They used to carry 25c pieces in theirpockets, while I scarcely had a penny andsometimes made a job here and there forSC. I loved school then and still do now.After graduating, I went to High Schoolwhere I felt disgraced entirely. I couldnot have gone to work, for I was only12^ years of age. For one year I advancedcourageously and successfully inthat school, but my third term I was adowncast. I thought that times wouldbe better, but in vain. At the end of thefirst month of my third term, I decidedto leave which I did. I went out for ajob without any working papers, andwas overjoyed to strike one in a printingto take the entrance examinations. WellI have to go to some school to preparefor the examinations, therefore, I am attendinga Prep School and am payingfifty hard earned dollars for 1 year. Iexpect to take the examinations for myengineering course in September. In themeantime I have been doing a great dealof suffering but no one knows it. I tryto shine up with a nice shirt, etc., but Iam just like a red apple with a worm inside.Since lately, I have been going towork without breakfast, and with scarcelymuch dinner, for you know how muchgood a restaurant can give nowadays for$.15. The day my mother was arrestedhappened to be one of those non-breakfastdays, and when I arrived home with anempty stomach to find my mother arrested,and not a bit of supper for me,and my little sisters and brothers cryingfor mama, you can just imagine how Ifelt.I could not help writing that letter, formy heart was too full of grief to saynothing. But after I wrote it, the realizationfirst came to me that I had made agreat mistake. Therefore, I ask you toexcuse me for the wrong I have done you.You can have my friendship now andever, and at the same time I want to haveyours. I wish to thank you for the goodmeans which you used in bringing me toCourt. I also would like you to send methe name of the judge who took up mycase for I must thank him more than any-

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