National Human Development Report: 2001 - Indira Gandhi Institute ...

National Human Development Report: 2001 - Indira Gandhi Institute ...

National Human Development Report: 2001 - Indira Gandhi Institute ...

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140THE STATE OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENTNATIONAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT <strong>2001</strong>TABLE 1.1<strong>Human</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Index — 1981States/UTs Rural Urban Combined Gender Disparity IndexValue Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value RankAndhra Pradesh 0.262 25 0.425 23 0.298 23 0.744 10Arunachal Pradesh 0.228 28 0.419 24 0.242 31 0.537 28Assam 0.261 26 0.380 28 0.272 26 0.462 32Bihar 0.220 30 0.378 29 0.237 32 0.471 30Goa 0.422 5 0.517 10 0.445 5 0.785 2Gujarat 0.315 14 0.458 18 0.360 14 0.723 6Haryana 0.332 13 0.465 17 0.360 15 0.536 24Himachal Pradesh 0.374 10 0.600 1 0.398 10 0.783 4Jammu & Kashmir 0.301 17 0.468 16 0.337 19 0.584 19Karnataka 0.295 18 0.489 14 0.346 16 0.707 20Kerala 0.491 1 0.544 6 0.500 2 0.872 1Madhya Pradesh 0.209 32 0.395 26 0.245 30 0.664 25Maharashtra 0.306 15 0.489 15 0.363 13 0.740 15Manipur 0.440 2 0.553 5 0.461 4 0.802 3Meghalaya 0.293 20 0.442 21 0.317 21 0.799 12Mizoram 0.381 9 0.558 4 0.411 8 0.502 18Nagaland 0.295 19 0.519 8 0.328 20 0.783 16Orissa 0.252 27 0.368 31 0.267 27 0.547 27Punjab 0.386 8 0.494 13 0.411 9 0.688 14Rajasthan 0.216 31 0.386 27 0.256 28 0.650 17Sikkim 0.302 16 0.515 11 0.342 18 0.643 23Tamil Nadu 0.289 21 0.445 19 0.343 17 0.710 9Tripura 0.264 23 0.498 12 0.287 24 0.422 31Uttar Pradesh 0.227 29 0.398 25 0.255 29 0.447 29West Bengal 0.264 24 0.427 22 0.305 22 0.556 26Andaman & Nicobar Is. 0.335 12 0.575 2 0.394 11 0.645 21Chandigarh 0.437 4 0.565 3 0.550 1 0.719 7Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.269 22 0.268 32 0.276 25 0.888 11Daman & Diu 0.409 6 0.518 9 0.438 6 0.760 5Delhi 0.439 3 0.531 7 0.495 3 0.595 22Lakshadweep 0.395 7 0.370 30 0.434 7 0.688 8Pondicherry 0.338 11 0.443 20 0.386 12 0.753 13All India 0.263 0.442 0.302 0.620Note 1 The HDI is a composite of variables capturing attainments in three dimensions of human development viz, economic,educational and health. These have been captured by per capita monthly expenditure adjusted for inequality; a combination ofliteracy rate and intensity of formal education; and a combination of life expectancy at age 1 and infant mortality rate. See theTechnical Note for the estimation methodology and other details.2 For sake of completeness, for some variables used in estimating the indices, the data for small States/UTs have beenestimated/assumed following, in general, principles of physical contiguity or similarity in socio-economic or demographic profile.The details are available in the Technical Note.3 The Gender Disparity Index is estimated as proportion of female attainments to that of male for a common set of variables. Thevariable used to capture economic attainment is worker population ratio which is different from the variable used to captureeconomic attainment in the HDI. The details are available in the Technical Note.Source Estimated for the <strong>Report</strong>.

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