National Human Development Report: 2001 - Indira Gandhi Institute ...

National Human Development Report: 2001 - Indira Gandhi Institute ...

National Human Development Report: 2001 - Indira Gandhi Institute ...

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NATIONAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT <strong>2001</strong> INDICATORS ON HEALTH ATTAINMENT & DEMOGRAPHY 243Sex Ratio in Population Age Group 5-9 yearsTABLE 5.26(Females per thousand males)States/UTs 1981 1991Rural Urban Combined Rural Urban CombinedAndhra Pradesh 991 985 990 980 966 976Arunachal Pradesh 957 967 957 940 904 936Assam — — — 977 941 975Bihar 938 920 936 925 933 926Goa 965 949 960 982 967 976Gujarat 929 917 925 943 925 937Haryana 868 897 874 879 884 880Himachal Pradesh 961 939 957 973 904 967Jammu & Kashmir 966 910 963 — — —Karnataka 1,000 984 996 991 973 985Kerala 975 963 973 983 957 977Madhya Pradesh 961 960 961 954 944 952Maharashtra 976 950 968 955 933 947Manipur 982 961 976 967 1,011 979Meghalaya 986 985 986 988 991 988Mizoram 986 1,019 994 991 1,003 996Nagaland 965 937 961 974 921 965Orissa 1,010 973 1,006 975 937 970Punjab 872 891 877 884 887 885Rajasthan 913 939 918 901 905 902Sikkim 995 940 988 1,003 978 1,001Tamil Nadu 970 974 971 961 968 963Tripura 971 953 970 969 942 966Uttar Pradesh 863 911 871 889 916 894West Bengal 981 925 969 970 955 967Andaman & Nicobar Is. 964 948 961 992 991 992Chandigarh 776 877 870 856 900 895Dadra & Nagar Haveli 954 1,004 958 1,015 873 1,005Daman & Diu — — — 936 975 952Delhi 857 897 893 872 907 903Lakshadweep 928 951 938 923 921 922Pondicherry 996 990 993 963 960 961All India 941 942 941 939 937 938Note 1 Sex ratio is defined as females per thousand males for the relevant population age group.2 Census not held in Assam in 1981 and Jammu & Kashmir in 1991.Source Estimated from information in Census of India (1991), Working Children in India—An Analysis of the 1991 Census Data, RGI(1999).

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