National Human Development Report: 2001 - Indira Gandhi Institute ...

National Human Development Report: 2001 - Indira Gandhi Institute ...

National Human Development Report: 2001 - Indira Gandhi Institute ...

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172INDICATORS ON AMENITIESNATIONAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT <strong>2001</strong>TABLE 3.5Scheduled Caste/Tribe Householdswith Toilet Facility (1991)(Percentage)States/UTs Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes OthersRural Urban Combined Rural Urban Combined Rural Urban CombinedAndhra Pradesh 2.95 28.17 6.66 1.49 24.32 3.50 8.02 58.24 22.00Arunachal Pradesh 47.59 62.33 51.12 41.31 73.94 43.44 44.91 76.01 53.29Assam 27.16 78.09 33.95 9.83 73.26 12.54 34.66 87.93 41.88Bihar 2.19 33.45 4.99 0.97 32.39 3.33 6.08 61.00 14.16Goa 13.06 31.26 20.87 19.23 27.14 25.00 30.37 56.44 41.12Gujarat 7.54 50.08 23.14 2.60 32.08 5.42 14.09 69.03 36.39Haryana 3.87 23.70 7.29 — — — 7.34 70.13 26.30Himachal Pradesh 3.83 35.95 5.96 18.12 54.10 19.71 6.66 64.41 14.25Jammu & Kashmir — — — — — — — — —Karnataka 2.59 34.78 9.24 2.71 40.53 8.90 8.06 66.30 27.66Kerala 26.25 44.28 29.33 11.65 52.01 13.85 46.57 74.51 53.90Madhya Pradesh 1.91 23.40 6.27 1.14 21.25 2.21 5.45 60.09 22.26Maharashtra 4.40 43.62 16.81 2.25 39.12 7.01 7.80 67.46 33.93Manipur 32.49 57.47 40.43 17.36 75.61 22.95 47.76 70.46 56.39Meghalaya 33.96 71.95 46.79 16.26 83.04 25.20 36.97 91.13 66.17Mizoram 56.11 90.48 81.25 58.42 84.21 70.33 49.12 85.58 82.36Nagaland — — — 25.24 73.28 34.06 54.58 80.62 69.15Orissa 1.86 20.73 3.82 0.77 15.81 1.60 5.57 58.83 15.22Punjab 8.31 44.37 16.04 — — — 19.33 80.53 40.01Rajasthan 5.11 34.04 10.62 1.00 36.35 3.10 8.57 69.12 25.39Sikkim 23.28 55.95 26.82 30.71 81.64 35.17 30.54 78.32 35.51Tamil Nadu 5.10 28.96 9.84 4.02 45.89 11.37 7.90 61.76 26.76Tripura 72.09 92.31 75.26 36.02 94.42 37.24 79.37 97.27 83.82Uttar Pradesh 2.60 38.50 6.87 7.41 59.22 24.23 7.90 71.83 21.77West Bengal 8.44 56.75 16.61 4.18 51.63 7.83 15.27 83.33 39.36Andaman & Nicobar Is. — — — 9.99 58.13 12.78 28.05 65.85 38.82Chandigarh 1.61 55.03 47.88 — — — 3.34 84.35 75.13Dadra & Nagar Haveli 22.45 72.94 29.23 2.72 19.24 3.26 37.32 82.06 48.07Daman & Diu 7.33 24.91 13.90 1.83 11.47 3.62 9.90 47.96 30.09Delhi 14.36 33.01 31.15 — — — 34.32 75.34 71.85Lakshadweep — — — 78.27 57.93 67.71 88.73 96.11 94.55Pondicherry 6.39 23.39 13.10 — — — 14.03 53.74 39.89All India 5.15 38.28 11.16 4.10 40.68 7.22 11.52 68.38 28.63Note All India figure excludes Jammu & Kashmir.Source Housing and Amenities, Paper 2 of 1993; Table 3.6, page 49, Census of India, 1991.

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