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CORPORATE PARTICIPATION IN THE LIFE OF SOCIETYThe competition attracted entries from non-profit non-governmentalorganisations; state and municipal institutions; cultural centres andresearch organisations; municipal and local governmental bodies; andfrom mass media. Each applicant was required to pledge an additionalcontribution equal to 30% of the amount requested with the matchingcontribution to come from the applicant's own resources or fromother donors.Applications were evaluated by a competition commission whichdetermined the twelve winning projects. The commission included theheads of the Company's subsidiaries in Volgograd Oblast and of theLUKOIL Charity Foundation; heads and specialists from oblast, municipaland district legislative and executive authorities; and directors ofenterprises and public organisations.Nizhny Novgorod OblastAt the sixth traditional closing ceremony of the Niznhy NovgorodCharity Season 2004, which was conducted by a number of publicorganisations with the support of the Oblast Legislative Assembly,OOO LUKOIL-Volganefteprodukt was awarded the GoodwillCompany prize.Northwest regionKaliningrad OblastOOO LUKOIL-Kaliningradmorneft takes part in the fight against drugaddiction and AIDS. It also supported the charitable event "Children ofRussia Travel in Russia": in the summer of 2004, 150 Kaliningrad childrenaged 11 to 14 went from Baltyisk to Saint Petersburg and on toother Russian cities. The most talented and active students from all districtsof the oblast have already travelled half the country. The eventhas already taken place three times.69

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