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ENVIRONMENT, SAFETY, AND HEALTHInteraction with stakeholdersThe Company acknowledges society's right to live in a safe environmentand believes that unavoidable conflicts of interests must beresolved through a compromise respectful of the public interest.The Company aims to be open, to respond to requests for informationand to discuss existing problems in good faith. The Company fullydemonstrated its methods of interaction when it launched new projectsin the Baltic Sea (see the insert on page 89).Specialists from the Department for Industrial Safety, ResearchOperations and Ecology constantly participate in considering draft lawsconcerning environmental protection at sessions under the auspices ofthe Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the RussianChamber of Commerce and Industry. Together with governmental bodiesand research and public organisations, the Company has taken partin international and domestic conferences, seminars and symposia onenvironmental safety, waste utilization, and rational use of waterresources among other topics.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE COMPANYPriorities and resultsThe company has defined its priorities for improving the environmentalsituation in the territories of its operation. It has identified ecologicalconsiderations and target indicators to be reached in order to reducethe negative environmental impact of LUKOIL Group operations as awhole, as well as the impact of each of its separate operations: oil andgas production, oil refining, petrochemical production, gas refining, anddistribution of petroleum products. Those aspects were taken intoaccount during the preparation of the LUKOIL Group EnvironmentalSafety Programme for 2004–2008.The Company has been successful in reducing most of the elementsof environmental impact both in proportional terms (per ton of oil producedand refined, etc.) and also in gross quantity (for all Russianenterprises of the Company). This is particularly significant as77

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