Safety_Series_025_1968 - gnssn - International Atomic Energy ...

Safety_Series_025_1968 - gnssn - International Atomic Energy ...

Safety_Series_025_1968 - gnssn - International Atomic Energy ...


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This publication is no longer validPlease see http://www.ns-iaea.org/standards/(o) If the w orker has previou sly received an em ergency exposureo r intake o r an accidental exposure in excess o f five tim es the annualdose lim it(d) In the case of women of reproductive capacity.Doses resulting from planned special exposure shall be recordedwith those from usual exposures but any excess over the recom m endedlim its should not constitute a rea son fo r exclu din g a w o rk e r fromhis usual occu p a tion .3. 2. 2. 4. E m erg en cy exposu reEven during em ergen cy w ork, ev ery step w ill be taken to keepexposu re to a m inim um .D oses higher than those indicated in sections and acceptable when perform ing em ergen cy tasks during o r im m ediatelyafter an acciden t; they w ill be in cu rred only after com petentadvice has been obtained and w ill be co n sid e re d ju stified w h ere itis n e cessa ry to bring aid to individuals, to prevent the exposu re ofa large num ber o f person s o r to safeguard an im portant plant. It isnot p o ssib le to in dicate d ose lim its fo r such e x p o su re s, sin ce thea ccep tability o f the dose w ill depend on the im portan ce o f the p u r­p o se. In sofar as p o ssib le , w ork ers should be in form ed o f theh azards in volved b e fo re they a ccep t such e x p o su re s.If the dose exceed s tw ice the appropriate annual lim it (section s3.2.2.1 and, the situation w ill be exam ined by the com petentm ed ical authorities. The w orker m ay be authorized to continue withroutine work if there is no m ed ical ob jection and bearing in mind hisprevious exposu res, his health, age, special qualifications and socialand econom ic resp on sibilities.3. 2. 2. 5. E m ergency exposure to radioactive m aterialEven during em ergen cy w ork, every step w ill be taken to keepthe intake o f ra d ioactive substances to a m inim um .During em erg en cy exp osu re, it is im p ossib le to fo r e s e e thesca le of contam ination and it would th erefore be illo g ica l to indicatea lim it of intake. Such exposure w ill be con sid ered ju stified whereit is n e ce ssa ry to bring aid to individuals, to prevent the exposu reo f a la rg e num ber o f p e rso n s o r to safegu ard an im portant plant.Intake w ill be evaluated as fa r as p o s s ib le , and if it e x ce e d stw ice the annual lim it the situation w ill be examined by the competentauthorities . The w ork er m ay be authorized to continue with routine71

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