Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf

Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf

Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf


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2 PreacquisitionDescription of <strong>Resin</strong> <strong>Modified</strong> <strong>Pavement</strong>RMP is a relatively new type of pavement process in the United States thatuses a unique combination of AC and PCC materials in the surface layer. TheRMP layer is generally described as an open-graded AC mixture containing 25-to 35-percent voids which are filled with a resin modified cement grout. Theopen-graded asphalt mixture and resin modified cement grout are produced andplaced separately. The RMP is typically a 50-mm-thick layer placed on top of aflexible pavement substructure when newly constructed. This same thicknessmay be placed on existing flexible or rigid pavement structures as well. RMPprovides performance benefits attributable to both its AC and PCC materialproperties at a cost somewhere between the typical AC and PCC ranges.The open-graded asphalt mixture is designed to be the initial Askeleton@ ofthe RMP. A coarse aggregate gradation with very few fines is used along with alow asphalt cement content (typically 3.5 to 4.5 percent by total weight) toproduce 25- to 35-percent voids in the mix after construction. The open-gradedasphalt mixture can be produced in either a conventional batch plant or drum-mixplant and is placed with typical AC paving equipment. After placing, the opengradedasphalt material is smoothed over with a minimal number of passes froma small (3-tonne maximum) steel-wheel roller.The resin modified cement grout is composed of fly ash, silica sand, cement,water, and a cross polymer resin additive. The resin additive is generallyG - 10

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