Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf

Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf

Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf


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design. Documentation presented must indicate that the mix achieves the desired 2500psi in 24 hours. As a minimum, the Ready-Mix Concrete Producer shall submit to theEngineer the aggregate and concrete test results performed during the verification processby technicians certified by MDOT. Minimum tests for aggregates are specific gravity,moisture, and grading. The minimum tests for concrete are slump, air content,temperature, unit weight, yield, and compressive strength. For verification of the mixdesign used in this application the following requirements in Table 1 shall be met.Table 1CriteriaRequirementsSlump 4”Air Content 3% - 6%Yield ± 3%Compressive Strength 2500 psi in 24 hours(field curing); 3500 psi in 14 days(standard curing)Concrete Testing. The ready-mix concrete producer shall be responsible for testingaggregates, moisture, and gradation at the batch plant. MDOT will be responsible forfield testing of the concrete. A minimum of six test cylinders shall be made for eachcontinuous placement or every 100 cubic yards of concrete placed, whichever is less.Compressive strength testing shall be performed to accommodate traffic movements andto ensure proper strength of the concrete pavement. A compressive test is the average oftwo cylinders. Test cylinders cast to determine when the pavement can be opened totraffic shall be field cured next to the pavement until time of test. Test cylinders cast foracceptance of the concrete, 3500 psi in 14 days, shall be standard cured as per AASHTODesignation: T 23.Slump and air content tests shall be performed on the first load and then once every 50cubic yards. Yield shall be verified for each mix design during the first placement andevery 400 cubic yards of concrete placed on the project, with a minimum of one yield testper day. Concrete temperature shall be taken with each slump/air test, and each timecylinders are made. Due to the high early strength requirements, cooling precautionsshall be implemented to prevent concrete temperatures from exceeding 100°F. Amaximum concrete temperature of 95°F is required without cooling precautionsimplemented. No concrete shall be placed with temperatures exceeding 100°F.Acceptance of the concrete will be based on test results meeting the requirements ofTable 1 and other requirements herein specified. All concrete testing shall be performedby MDOT Certified Technicians.D-2

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