Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf

Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf

Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf


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PersonnelThe personnel normally required at an AC plant and those required for ACconstruction are basically the same as those needed for construction of the RMPopen-graded AC layer. Typical personnel required for PCC plant production andtransit mix truck hauling are also virtually the same as those needed forproduction and transportation of the slurry grout. The following personnel aregenerally required for grout application: two to three transit mixer truck drivers;one mixer truck delivery chute operator; three to four squeegee operators; onevibratory roller operator; one to two personnel to move joint battens and cleangrout joints.As time allows, some of the previously mentioned personnel may be used tomeasure the grout viscosity of each truck batch, apply curing compound, or applya broom finish to the freshly grouted surface if required. The quality controltesting required for RMP construction is considerably less than for moretraditional AC or PCC paving and can be readily handled by one or twopersonnel from any commercial testing laboratory qualified for both AC andPCC testing. The exact number of personnel required for an RMP constructionproject will depend upon project size and other site-specific conditions.ProcedureThe general procedure used to construct an RMP pavement includes thefollowing:a. Construct the required subgrade, subbase, base, and dense-graded AClayers in a fashion similar to that used for other flexible pavements.b. Construct a 50-mm-thick layer of open-graded AC using typical ACpaving equipment and a small (3-tonne maximum) steel wheel roller tosmooth out the open-graded surface.c. Allow the freshly placed open-graded material to cool down to at least38 C (100 F) before applying slurry grout. Cover the open-graded layerwith polyethylene sheeting if rain is imminent.d. Secure wooden battens (50-mm by 100-mm or 2-in. by 4-in. strips oflumber) to the surface of the cooled open-graded layer to create groutinglanes. Create grouting lanes in the 3.7- to 7.3-m- (12- to 24-ft-) widerange to suit the grouting crew size.e. Apply slurry grout to open-graded layer from transit mix trucks.f. Vibrate the slurry grout into open-graded layer void spaces with severalpasses of the vibratory steel wheel roller. a.g. Once a sizeable area of the grouting lane is completed, pull excess groutoff of the surface by continuous squeegeeing in one longitudinal direcG - 36

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