Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf

Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf

Resin Modified Pavement Demonstration Project.pdf


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4 Post AcquisitionInitial ImplementationEquipmentConventional AC mixing plant and paving equipment are used to constructthe RMP open-graded layer. One or two small (3-tonne maximum) steel wheelrollers are used to finish the open-graded layer after paving. Polyethylenesheeting is required to protect the open-graded layer from rain when inclementweather is expected before the grout is applied.The modified slurry grout is typically batched in standard concrete batchplants unless the pavement area is small enough to warrant portable batch mixingequipment. For the typical plant-mixed grout scenario, transit mixer trucks areused to carry the grout to the job site and place the grout onto the pavement. Ifthe portable mixing equipment is used, wheelbarrows may be used to dump thegrout onto the pavement. In either case of grout placement, hand-operatedsqueegees are used to spread the grout around as it is being placed. The small,3-tonne steel wheel roller is used in the vibratory mode to promote fullpenetration of the grout into the open-graded layer during the grouting operation.Curing compound is applied to the finished RMP surface by means of amechanical or hand-operated pressurized spraying apparatus.MaterialsThe materials required for the production of an RMP open-graded AC layerare basically the same as those required for typical AC production. The slurrygrout materials are also fairly common to the paving industry, with the exceptionof the resin additive. The resin additive is a specialized formulation of a styrenebutadienepolymer latex, which serves as a plasticizing and strengthening agentin the cement grout. The resin additive is currently available from only onesource and is the only known additive with a proven record of successful use insuch a composite pavement material.G - 35

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