Lenin CW-Vol. 23.pdf - From Marx to Mao

Lenin CW-Vol. 23.pdf - From Marx to Mao

Lenin CW-Vol. 23.pdf - From Marx to Mao

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350THE REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA AND THE TASKSOF THE WORKERS OF ALL COUNTRIESComrade workers,The prediction of the socialists who have remained faithful<strong>to</strong> socialism and have not succumbed <strong>to</strong> the savage andbeastly war hysteria has proved correct. The first revolution,caused by the world-wide preda<strong>to</strong>ry war among thecapitalists of various countries, has broken out. The imperialistwar, that is, a war for the capitalist division ofspoils, for the strangling of weak nations, has begun <strong>to</strong> turnin<strong>to</strong> civil war, that is, a war of the workers against thecapitalists, of the <strong>to</strong>ilers and the oppressed against theiroppressors, against tsars and kings, landowners and capitalists,a war for mankind’s complete liberation from wars,from poverty of the masses, from oppression of man by man!To the Russian workers has fallen the honour and thegood fortune of being the first <strong>to</strong> start the revolution—the great and only legitimate and just war, the war of theoppressed against the oppressors.The St. Petersburg workers have vanquished the tsaristmonarchy. Having started the uprising unarmed in face ofmachine-guns, in their heroic struggle against the policeand the tsar’s armies, the workers won over the majorityof the soldiers of the St. Petersburg garrison. The same thingoccurred in Moscow and in other cities. Abandoned by hisarmies, the tsar had <strong>to</strong> capitulate: he signed an abdicationon behalf of himself and his son. He suggested that thethrone be transferred <strong>to</strong> his brother Mikhail.Owing <strong>to</strong> the great rapidity of the revolution, the directassistance of the Anglo-French capitalists, insufficient classconsciousnessof the mass of the workers and the people

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