Muse™ Cell Analyzer

Muse™ Cell Analyzer

Muse™ Cell Analyzer


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Cleaning Solution and Waste BottlesThe cleaning solution bottle can be filled with Guava Instrument CleaningFluid (ICF) for system cleaning. For information on filling the bottle, refer to“Filling the Cleaning Solution Bottle” on page 64. The waste bottle capturesthe sample fluid after it exits the fluid system. Add 10 mL of bleach to thewaste bottle after you empty it and before installing it in the unit. Forinformation on emptying the waste bottle, refer to “Emptying the WasteBottle” on page 65.Fluid SystemSample uptake occurs through the capillary part of the flow cell assembly.Sampling is regulated by a variable-speed fluid pump. The pump does notrequire sheath fluid or supplementary fluids for sample acquisition.capillaryBecause the system’s sampling precision depends on the integrity of thefluid pathway, it is important to maintain a clean system. Do not allowsamples to remain in the capillary for extended periods of time as they mayeventually clog the system. Perform frequent cleaning cycles to prevent thebuild-up of cellular debris that may restrict sample flow. If a clog doesoccur, you can clear it by using the backflush feature, which reverses theflow of fluid and flushes it out of the capillary at high speed. See“Backflushing the Capillary” on page 54 for detailed instructions on usingthe backflush feature.At the start of each day perform a Complete System Clean to prime thefluid system. See “Performing a Complete System Clean” on page 55.Always leave a tube of deionized water on the instrument when not in use.System Overview 11

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