Наше Життя (Our Life), рік 1959, число 10, листопад

Наше Життя (Our Life), рік 1959, число 10, листопад

Наше Життя (Our Life), рік 1959, число 10, листопад

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NEW PRESIDENT OF THENATIONAL COUNCIL OFWOMEN OF UNITED STATESMrs. Sophia Yarnall Jacobs,second Vice President of theN.C.W. has been elected as itsPresident at the Annual Convention,held on November 4-5, <strong>1959</strong>in New York City.ACCEPTANCE SPEECHWhat you will want to knowfrom me, is not how difficult thetask ahead will be, but what philosophyI bring- to that task. Aftera month spent in the Soviet Unionthis past Summer, I am more thanever convinced that the VoluntaryW oman’s organization in our owncountry must have substantive.programming, clear direction,flexible and imaginative leadershipand convinced membership.<strong>Our</strong> civilization seems to be ontrial, not only because of the externalthreat o f Communist ideology,but more fundamentally becauseof the softening of our ownmoral fiber. W e have reached apeak of material prosperity whichtends to stifle our dreams anddeaden our aspirations. W e wishwe could recapture the first finefervor of our founding fathers.W ell we can, if we want to badlyenough. Their success was anamalgam of dreams and long,hard, heartbreaking work — evenas any success we may hope formust be.I have spoken briefly this morningof specific program and I donot want to trespass a momentlonger now on the Education discussionin store for us.I do welcome the opportunity,however, of saying to membersand friends of the Council that Iam deeply sensible of the honorpaid me in entrusting the presidencyto me. Having long agorecognized the impossibility oftaking Mrs. Parsons’ place, Iwant yOu to know that I approachthe coming year with personal humilitybut high ambition for theCouncil.Mrs. S. Y. Jacobs, a prominentclub woman and ardent civic w orkeris also known as a free lancewriter for wom en’s magazinesWrs. Sophia Y arnall Jacobsn ew P resid en t of the N ational C ouncil of W omen of U. S.(Good Housekeeping, Parents),promotion manager of PhiladelphiaOrchestra, Director of N a­tional Urban League, Director ofAmerican Civic Liberties Unionand many others. Mrs. Jacobs hasbeen Second Vice President ofthe National Council o f Women ofthe U. S. since 1956.SEW-TALENTED GIRLWINS STYLE PRIZEA 17-year-old New York U k ­rainian, Olga Papuha, 133 E. 4thSt., was named grand prize w innerof the teen division of thenational Singer Young ,StylemakerContest on Oct. 29. She is amember of the UW A Branch 28,New York City.She was awarder $600 in cashand a one-week tour through theUnited States for herself and herparents. At the coronation ceremoniesin the Grand Ballroom ofthe Waldorf-Astoria, winningqueens of the three divisions ofthe contest were crowned, andmodeled their prize dresses beforean audience of 1,000 home economicstudents.Olga Papuhia, a tiny brown-hairedgirl who fled with her parentsand sister from Ukraine to escapeRussian occupation, arriving inthe U. S. iri 1949, is a senior atSt. Michael’s High School. Shehopes to be a designer with ashop of her own, and plans to investthe cash prize for this goal.

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