Web Security Deployment Guide (PDF) - Websense

Web Security Deployment Guide (PDF) - Websense

Web Security Deployment Guide (PDF) - Websense


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General <strong>Deployment</strong> RecommendationsMSDEMicrosoft Database Engine (MSDE) is a free database engine best suited to smallernetworks, organizations with a low volume of Internet activity, or organizations planto generate reports on only short periods of time (for example, daily or weeklyarchived reports, rather than historical reports over longer time periods). MSDEcannot be optimized.With MSDE, the maximum size of the Log Database is about 1.5 GB. When theexisting database reaches this limit, it is saved (rolled over), and a new Log Databaseis created. Use the ODBC Data Source Administrator (accessed via the WindowsControl Panel) to see information about database that have been saved.If the is rolling over frequently, consider upgrading to Microsoft SQL Server 2005,SP2.NoteConsult the Installation <strong>Guide</strong> for detailed informationabout selecting the appropriate database engine for thedeployment.MySQLWhen using MSDE, make sure that the latest service packs have been applied.Microsoft SQL Server service packs can be applied to MSDE 2000. The service packupdates only those files relevant to MSDE.<strong>Web</strong>sense Explorer for Linux requires MySQL 5.0. Although MySQL is available forfree, a licensed version must be purchased for commercial use.For more information on MySQL, visit the MySQL <strong>Web</strong> site: www.mysql.com.Log Database disk space recommendationsLog Database requirements vary, based on the size of the network and the volume ofInternet activity. This guide uses the following baseline information to provide generalrecommendations:An average user requests 100 URLs (visits) per day.The Log Database creates a record for each visit.Each record is approximately 500 bytes.Each URL requires roughly 5 to 10 HTTP GETS (hits).If the Log Database is configured to write a record for each hit, the size of thedatabase may increase by a factor of five.During installation, you are provided options for minimizing the size of the LogDatabase.36 <strong>Web</strong>sense <strong>Web</strong> <strong>Security</strong> and <strong>Web</strong>sense <strong>Web</strong> Filter

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