Stafford Road Corridor Area Action Plan

Stafford Road Corridor Area Action Plan

Stafford Road Corridor Area Action Plan


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Options and Preferred Policy ApproachGiven the potential difficulties in bringing sites forwardfor development (highlighted in the evidence base),the following options are based on the degree of“intervention” required. We feel that these are theonly realistic and deliverable housing options for theAAP:Housing Option 1Low Intervention, which does not meet housingtargetsHousing Option 3Limited Development on Fowlers Playing Fields toadd further housing capacity to Option 1 or 2.There are choices to be made over whether Option 1or 2 is chosen, and whether Option 3 is used tosupport either of these Options. In terms of the levelsof housing they could provide, the Options can besummarised as:Housing Option 2High Intervention which delivers housing more in linewith housing targetsSource of NewHousing SupplyHousingCapacity*Details ofIntervention RequiredCompared to CoreStrategy Targets**Potential Risksa) HousingCommitments642 N/A-128• Capacity of sites furtherreduced if schemes aredeveloped at lowerdensitiesb) AAPAllocationsOption 1 -Low interventionOption 2 -High interventionImpact ofHousingOption 3• Public sector land assembly599support for developers• Business relocation support-304 -259to enable redevelopment826• Land assembly activity bypublic sector anddevelopers, including thepotential for compulsorypurchase orders• Business relocation strategyto enable comprehensiveredevelopment-77 -32• Some site assemblyrequired• Does not delivercomprehensiveredevelopment• Insufficient publicsector resources• Risk that some sitesmay not come forwardfor development• Quality of developmentmay be affected.*Based on 35 dwellings per hectare gross** From Appendix 2 of the Core Strategy, and includescapacity estimate used to inform the Core Strategy on theFree Standing Employment Site in the AAP areaOptions Report for the Development of the <strong>Stafford</strong> <strong>Road</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong> 23

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