Stafford Road Corridor Area Action Plan

Stafford Road Corridor Area Action Plan

Stafford Road Corridor Area Action Plan


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• Support the temporary use of vacant/derelict sites togrow Biomass (likely to be favoured on such sitesover 3ha which are level and accessible to croppingmachinery). Phytoremediation will also be supportedwhere this offers a suitable remediation technique onparticular sites.• Identify the need to consider Urban Wetlands andStreet Rain Gardens in priority areas (including areaswith known surface water flooding issues and wherewildlife habitat connectivity could be enhanced) aspart of Sustainable Urban Drainage schemes (whichcould be incorporated into the public realm) on newdevelopments.• Consider the need for further provision of allotments(Space for Food), and identify potential sites for suchinvestment (such sites may be outside the AAP area,rather than requiring them as part of residentialdevelopment sites or temporarily on vacant/derelictsites).• Identify the Ecological Network and whereimprovements to the network are needed, e.g. byidentifying where links need to be created whenopportunities arise. It will also protect and identifywhere improvements are needed to designatednature conservation sites. This will support thedelivery of the Birmingham and Black Country NatureImprovement <strong>Area</strong>.• Designate areas of Open Space and identify the roleand function they play in the area, including how theycan help tackle Health issues, and whereimprovements will be focussed (such as FowlersPlaying Fields). It will also demonstrate how thedevelopment will help meet quantity, quality andaccessibility targets for open space (taking intoaccount expected population changes) and look atthe potential for provision of new or dual-use outdoorsports facilities to meet deficiencies.• Guide the provision of Pedestrian and Cyclingfacilities, which ensure routes are safe, integrated intonew development and linked as part of a network.Projects to enhance these networks are in Policy <strong>Area</strong>2 which guides the Transport Strategy for the AAP.• Support the Adaptation of Schools to provide naturalinterventions to combat summer heating and increaseevapo-transpirative cooling by planting green roofs,creating rain gardens and water features in suitablelocations.At this stage Part 3 identifies EI <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> projects andenvironmental designations in the area (including newand amended environmental designations).Impact of development in the <strong>Stafford</strong><strong>Road</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong> on Cannock Chase SACThe AAP proposals and policies must not causesignificant harm to any European Special <strong>Area</strong> ofConservation (SAC). Cannock Chase SAC, which formspart of Cannock Chase AONB, is located about 30minutes drive from the <strong>Stafford</strong> <strong>Road</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong>. A studyis underway to look at the potential for populationgrowth in areas around Cannock Chase to increasevisitor activities which could be potentially harmful toCannock Chase SAC. If this study finds that populationgrowth in the <strong>Stafford</strong> <strong>Road</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong> (associated withnew residential development) is likely to cause significantharm to Cannock Chase SAC, the AAP will need toinclude measures to mitigate this impact.In the event that the AAP proposals and policies aredemonstrated to cause significant harm to CannockChase SAC, we feel that there are the followingOptions to mitigate this impact:Option 1Require new housing developments to contributetowards green space improvements in Wolverhamptonwhich would act as alternative visitor attractions forresidents in the <strong>Stafford</strong> <strong>Road</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong>. This wouldreduce the level of harm to Cannock Chase SAC tominimal levels.Option 2Require new housing developments to contributetowards the management or improvement of CannockChase SAC, to mitigate any harm caused by visits fromnew residents in the <strong>Stafford</strong> <strong>Road</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong> area.• Set preferred design approaches for developmentwhich is near / adjacent to the Canal. Certaintypologies are shown in the EI Design Guide, and wefeel there is the opportunity to add to this with specificdesign guidance for employment developmentadjacent to the canal. This will support the historicand ecological designations of the canal and provideslinks to Policy <strong>Area</strong> 6.Under Option 1, the type of green space improvementsfunded would be determined by the reasons that localpeople typically visit Cannock Chase. For example, ifthey typically visit to take part in mountain biking thencontributions would be used to fund development of asite for mountain bike use.Preferred Policy ApproachWe feel that the Option 1 is the preferred policyapproach, as this would provide investment for EIOptions Report for the Development of the <strong>Stafford</strong> <strong>Road</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong>33

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