Stafford Road Corridor Area Action Plan

Stafford Road Corridor Area Action Plan

Stafford Road Corridor Area Action Plan


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Appendix B - Evidence ListGeo-Environmental Desktop Study (Jacobs)This study draws together existing evidence on likelyground conditions for each potential development site inthe AAP area, including mine workings. The study thenhighlights the level of associated development risk,based on the estimated cost of development for theproposed use. This work has been used to assess therelative deliverability of development opportunity sites.Timetable - CompletedLand Interests Study (Bruton Knowles)This study identifies landowners / occupiers of existingemployment sites in the AAP area and seeks the viewsand future plans of owners / occupiers with a view toinforming and ensuring that Options are deliverable.Timetable - CompletedStrategic Housing Land Availability Assessment(SHLAA) (WCC)The SHLAA provides the main mechanism for identifyingpotential housing sites across the city and assessingtheir suitability for housing and how developable anddeliverable they are.Timetable - Updated annuallyWolverhampton Transport Strategy & AAP EvidenceBase (ITP)This work pulls together the significant amount ofinformation available on transport in the city to date andformulates a Transport Strategy for the City as a wholeand for each main transport corridor.Timetable - CompletedBlack Country Environmental InfrastructureGuidance (EIG) – Phase 2 (Aecom)This work was completed to support the Core Strategyand Growth Point status and includes an evidencebasedanalysis of the multiple benefits of environmentalinfrastructure in the Black Country, supplementarydesign guidance for recommended interventions, and adraft action plan for each AAP area.Timetable - CompletedNature Conservation Surveys (Various)Surveys have been undertaken on sites to assess theirnature conservation value (ecological and geologicalaspects) with a view to identifying these sites as LocalSites in the AAP. These surveys include resurveys ofexisting designated sites and surveys of potential newsites, including the canal network.Timetable - Due for completion Autumn 2012Wolverhampton Level 2 Strategic Flood RiskAssessment (Jacobs)This study built on the work carried out for the BlackCountry Level 1 SFRA and assessed in detail thepotential risk from flooding for potential developmentsites across the City.Timetable - CompletedWolverhampton Surface Water Management <strong>Plan</strong>(Scott Wilson)This study will build on the work carried out for the BlackCountry Scoping SWMP, and will develop a detailedunderstanding of surface water flooding, identifyvulnerable areas and prioritise improvements.Timetable - Due for completion Autumn 2012<strong>Stafford</strong> <strong>Road</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong> Historic LandscapeCharacterisation Study (CgMs)This study makes recommendations in order to helpensure that the heritage assets of the area are fullyconsidered in the formulation of detailed regenerationand development proposals. Buildings and otherstructures or sites that are identified as having historicsignificance and/or local distinctiveness and which makea positive contribution to their surroundings are identifiedin the report.Timetable - CompletedWolverhampton Locks Conservation <strong>Area</strong> Appraisal(Rob Lloyd Sweet)This appraisal includes a historical summary andappraisal of the character and appearance of theConservation <strong>Area</strong> in the AAP area. Based on thisappraisal, it sets out proposals for the preservation andenhancement of the Conservation <strong>Area</strong> through itsrecommendations and management proposals.Timetable - CompletedWolverhampton Renewable and Carbon ReductionEnergy Capacity Study (Amec)This study assessed the opportunities for renewable andlow carbon energy generation across Wolverhampton tosupport the implementation of the Core Strategy and thedevelopment of the AAPs. As well as the assessment ofdifferent types of renewable and low carbon energy, thestudy it looked at approaches to delivery, the need toreduce CO2 emissions, and the key role for planning insupporting this.Timetable - CompletedEducation Provision Background Paper (WCC)This work is required to ensure that there are sufficientprimary school places available in the catchment of theOptions Report for the Development of the <strong>Stafford</strong> <strong>Road</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong>69

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