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Always with updated information - www.nuncbrand.comTech NotesAll Bulletins and Tech Notes are availablefor download as pdf files. Use the links givenbelow for direct access to the files.Bulletins/Tech Notes196Tech Note, Vol. 3 No. 23Replication of Recombinant Libraries with the Nunc Replication Systemwww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn23Tech Note, Vol. 3 No. 24In Situ Screening of Bacterial Colonies - Protocolswww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn24Tech Note, Vol. 3 No. 25Cell Counting and Dye Exclusion Viability Assays Using a Hemacytometerwww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn25Tech Note, Vol. 4 No. 33Chemical Resistance for Nunc Cell Culture THERMANOX Coverslipswww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn4-33Tech Note, Vol. 4 No. 34Culturing HEL 299 Cell Line on a Nunclon∆ Cell Culture Treated Surfacewww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn4-34Tech Note, Vol. 4 No. 35Culturing L929 Cell Line on a Nunclon∆ Cell Culture Treated Surfacewww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn4-36Tech Note, Vol. 4 No. 36Culturing Primary Chick Embryo Cells on a Nunclon∆ Cell CultureTreated Surfacewww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn4-36Tech Note, Vol. 4 No. 37Culturing V79-4 Cell Line on a Nunclon∆ Cell Culture Treated Surfacewww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn4-37Tech Note, Vol. 5 No. 33Versatile PCR assays based on hybridization in MicroWell plateswww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn5-33Tech Note, Vol. 5 No. 34Streptavidin Coated Plates for Molecular Biologywww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn5-34Tech Note, Vol. 5 No. 35High Sensitivity Detection of Antigens using Immuno-PCRwww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn5-35Tech Note, Vol. 5 No. 36NucleoLink Procedure for Solid Phase-PCR (DIAPOPS)www.nuncbrand.com/go/tn5-36Tech Note, Vol. 5 No. 37NucleoLink Procedure for PCR-ELISAwww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn5-37Tech Note, Vol. 6 No. 38Cell-Based Assay Development: Detection of Active Apoptotic Caspases in96 Well Silent Screen Plates with PVM Membranewww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn38Tech Note, Vol. 6 No. 39Cost-efficient plasmid DNA purification using the Nunc 96 DeepWellDNA binding filter platewww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn39Tech Note, Vol. 6 No. 40A new optimized PCR clean up method using the Nunc glass fiber filterplatewww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn40Tech Note, Vol. 6 No. 41Nunc Immobilizer Streptavidin: Colorimetric detection of human IgG inblood plasmawww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn41Tech Note, Vol. 6 No. 42Nunc Immobilizer Streptavidin: PCR ELISAwww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn42Tech Note, Vol. 6 No. 43Nunc Immobilizer Amino Surface: Protocol for Coupling Proteinswww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn43Tech Note No. 44Nunc Immobilizer Glutathionewww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn44Tech Note No. 45Detection of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and GST-tagged fusionproteinswww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn45Tech Note No. 46Nunc Immobilizer Nickel-Chelatewww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn46Tech Note No. 47Detection of His-tagged fusion proteinswww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn47Tech Note No. 48High Density Culture on 2D MicroHex Microcarrierswww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn48Tech Note No. 49Performance of Nunc Aluminium Sealing Tapes in Thermocycling andFrozen Storage Applicationswww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn49Tech Note No. 50Low DNA adsorption to Nunc Bank-It vialswww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn50Tech Note No. 51Low Cell Binding Surface - A Performance Comparison, Nunc Low CellBinding Plates vs. Competitor’s Ultra Low Attachmentwww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn51Tech Note No. 52Comparison of bottom materials in cell based assayswww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn52Tech Note No. 53Direct Measurement of DNA concentration and purity at 230, 260 and 280nm and in fluorescence modewww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn53Tech Note No. 54Comparative detection of tryptophan in absorbance and fluorescencespectrometrywww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn54Tech Note No. 55Imaging optimization with appropriate cover class correctionwww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn55Tech Note No. 56Binding DNA on Immobilizer Aminowww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn56Tech Note No. 57Growth of Vero cells in 1.2x In Vitro PETG Roller Bottles using 5% FetalBovine Serumwww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn57Tech Note No. 58C8 White LockWell Luminunc MaxiSorp and PolySorp for LuminescenceDetectionwww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn58Tech Note No. 59C8 Black LockWell Fluoronunc MaxiSorp and PolySorp for FluorescenceDetectionwww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn59Tech Note No. 60Odor from irradiated polystyrene has no effect on embryo and spermsurvivalwww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn60Tech Note No. 61Imaging of intracellular oxygen consumption for assessment ofmitochondrial function in live suspension cell lines: Novel applicationusing Luxcel MitoXpress probes and the Nunc LiveCell Array slidewww.nuncbrand.com/go/tn61165306

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