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NEW - Gorea plus doo

NEW - Gorea plus doo

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www.nuncbrand.com - Always with updated informationImmuno Assay IntroductionQuality - from start to finishNunc Brand uses virgin polymer resinsfor all immunology products and nevercompromise on purity or optical grade.Parameter settings on machines andinjection molding tools are based ondata gathered and analyzed in closecooperation between our research,quality control and production departments.To ensure optimal use of thisinformation all production lines arechecked at regular intervals.Quality control testsQuality starts with the choice of thebest resin, which can give the surfacethose characteristics needed to fulfillthe unique requirements for passiveadsorption of bio-molecules. The resinis the base upon which both opticalquality and uniformity of the surfacerely.The resin is thoroughly inspectedand approved before it is introducedinto the production facility. Duringproduction, samples are taken at regularintervals for visual inspection toensure that the requirements for opticalquality and the dimension standardsare met.After the molding steps are completed,the products undergo the necessarysurface modification to give thedesired characteristics. The surfaceproperties are tested in our laboratoryto ensure that the properties conformto the required standard. The productsare held in quarantine until the laboratoryresults confirm their compliance.Products which fail to meet the standardare scrapped.% OxygenSurface mattersImmuno assay technique is an extremelysensitive and specific methodwith a detection limit in the regionof 10-15 fmoles. It is essential to havethe appropriate surface and optimizedconditions in order to give a stable andreliable assay. We are experts in surfacetechnology, resulting in a broad rangeof products making assay optimizationeasy.Certified clean room facilityThe production environment is monitoredregularly for airborne particles.All production lines employ automationto ensure that from resin tofinished product there is only minimumcontact with dust and otherforeign bodies, which may affect assayperformance.All Nunc-Immuno modules areproduced in clean room facility(according to Federal Standard 209e).5432MultiSorp: 20% OMaxiSorp: 3% OPolySorp: 0% Olinear approximationMediSorp: 1% O<strong>NEW</strong>ContentsImmuno Surfaces.........................................56About Immuno Assay Products ...............58Immuno LockWell Fluoronunc/Luminunc Modules...................................59Immuno 96 Microwell Plates..................60Immuno Modules.........................................62Immuno LockWell Modules ................64Immuno BreakApart Modules............66Color Coded Modules..................................67Fluoronunc/LuminuncModules/Plates.............................................68Immobilizer - AminoModules/Plates.............................................70CovaLink NH Modules..............................71Immobilizer - StreptavidinModules/Plates.............................................72Streptavidin Passively CoatedModules/Plates.............................................73Immobilizer - Nickel-Chelate Plates..... 74Immobilizer - Glutathione Plates..........75Immuno Washers......................................76MicroWell MiniTrays.................................77Immuno TSP...............................................78Immuno OmniTray......................................78Immuno Stick.............................................79Immuno Tubes MiniSorp......................80Immuno Tubes PolySorpand MaxiSorp.............................................81Immuno Assay100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Receding contact angle degrees55

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