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www.nuncbrand.com - Always with updated informationCryogenics IntroductionIn 1962 the founder of Nunc telexedhome from a meeting in Geneva.He asked the production manager tomake a 2 ml tube for WHO, whichcould be used in the liquid phase ofnitrogen. This was the forerunner oftoday’s CryoTubes.L929 Cell Adsorption toCryoTubes (3 days incubation)NuncContentsCryoTubes Internal Thread................38CryoQuot............................................. 40CryoTubes Internal Thread,Barcoded................................................. 40CryogenicsWe have come a long way since then,most recently meeting the IATArequirements for the transport ofbiological samples. This means thatthe tubes can withstand evacuation to95 kPascal without leaking.All CryoTubes carry the CE markingrequired for containers of samples ofhuman origin.The certificate that accompanies eachbox indicates that the tubes are alsothoroughly tested. They are non-toxicas indicated by the USP biologicalreactivity class VI – 50°C test (7 daysimplant), which is performed on theraw materials used in the productionof all CryoTubes.The tubes are certified non-pyrogenic,meeting the international criteria.Variouscompetitors<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>Custom Barcoded CryoTubes...........41Barcode Scanners..................................41CryoTubes External Thread...............42CryoRacks for CryoTubes67 cm Aluminum................................... 44-20˚C Labtop Cooler.............................. 44MAX-100 CryoStore Boxes.................45Storage Boxes for CryoTubes........... 46Miniboxes for CryoTubes...................47CryoTube Rack.....................................47Accessories for Nunc CryoTubes..... 48CryoFlex.................................................49Cryobank vials and Bank-ItTube System.............................................50Example of low volume usage............51Cryobank Vials and Bank-ItAccessories...............................................53All tubes with internal and externalthreads are packed 50 per reclosablelaminated zippered bag . The strongerbags ensure sterility of the contents(As one of only very few cryo vialsuppliers, we can certify sterility at thelevel SAL 10-⁶). All bags are markedwith catalog and lot numbers.Nunc CryoTubes exhibit low bindingcharacteristics both in terms of cellularadhesion and protein binding whencompared with competitive tubes.Nunc Brand has comprehensivebarcoding capabilities. We can supplycoded tubes printed with Interleaved2 of 5 or labeled with Code 128. Bothcode types withstand all reagents andconditions normally used incryo-storage.37

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