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www.nuncbrand.com - Always with updated informationStreptavidin Passively Coated Modules/Plates• Ideal for binding of biotinylatedbiomolecules, such as peptides, antibodies,oligonucleotides or haptens• Streptavidin is passively coated on anarea of 154 mm² (area covered by avolume of 200 µl)• Binding capacity for biotin of at least 13pmol/well*• Stable at room temperature• General assay protocol available onrequest• Available in C96 plates or C8 well stripsImmuno Assay* Depending on size or sterical properties of a givenbiomolecule the actual molar binding capacity mightbe different.Application Description GraphicELISABiotinylated antibodies areimmobilized on a surface.Capture of antigen followed bydetection with labeled secondantibodyPCR-ELISA Amplify using DIG-dUTP and abioti nylated primer. Capture ona streptavidin plate. Detectionby enzyme labeled anti-DIG.DNAhybridizationassaysAnalysis of DNAbinding proteinsCapture of DNA in sample bybioti nylated probe. Collectionon a streptavidin coated plate.Detection by labeled detectionprobe.Immobilize biotinylated DNAon a strepta vidin coated plate.Incubate with DNA-bindingprotein. Detect with antibody.Literature:Bulletin Nos: 1, 4See Pages 195-196 for full reference list with titles and linksAccessories:8 well strips Page 248 well strips caps Page 63Immuno Washers Page 76Sealing Tapes Page 178Tape 12 and 48 Page 179Lids Page 176The examples given above do not constitute a full list and eachapplication can be performed in several waysStreptavidinBiotinAntigenDIG-labelDNADNA binding proteinEnzyme labeledanti-DIG-antibodyNunc Streptavidin PassivelyCoated Modules/Plates96 wells per frame. Polystyrene.External dimensions 128 x 86 mmCat. No. 236001 ‡ 236004 ‡Configuration C96 C8Color Clear ClearTotal volume, µl/well 350 350Coated well volume, µl 200 200Units per pack/case 1/15 1/15‡ Not available in Americas73

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