January 2011 - National Labor Relations Board

January 2011 - National Labor Relations Board

January 2011 - National Labor Relations Board


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10168 PATTERN FOR FORMAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION IN CA CASEOn request, bargain with the Union as the exclusive representative of theemployees in the Unit and if an understanding is reached, reduce it to writing andsign it. On resumption of bargaining, the Union’s status as the exclusivecollective-bargaining representative of the Unit shall be extended for ___ monthsthereafter, as if the initial year of the certification has not expired.][NOTE: In cases when there has been no bargaining during the certification year, theword “commencement” should be substituted for “resumption.”][ALL CASES](i) Within 14 days of service by the Region, post at itsColumbia, Alabama plant copies of the attached noticemarked “Appendix A.” [Attach to the stipulation a copy of theNotice to Employees and mark it “Appendix A.” For guidance regardingnotice language, see Sec. 10132.3.] Copies of the notice, on formsprovided by Region __, after being signed byRespondent’s authorized representative, shall be postedby Respondent and maintained for 60 consecutive days inconspicuous places, including all places where notices toemployees are customarily posted. In addition to physicalposting of paper notices, Respondent shall distributenotices electronically, by email, posting on an intranet orinternet site, and/or other electronic means, if theRespondent customarily communicates with its employeesby such means. Respondent will take reasonable steps toensure that the notices are not altered, defaced or coveredby any other material. In the event that, during thependency of these proceedings, Respondent has gone outof business or closed the facility involved in theseproceedings, Respondent shall duplicate and mail, at itsown expense, a copy of the notice to all current employeesand former employees employed by Respondent at anytime since [date of the first unfair labor practice].[NOTE: In all CA and CB cases, where the company and union as corespondents haveentered into a joint settlement agreement, the settlement should provide for posting byRevised 12/09

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